Check out the last map before the "new normal" valid from Monday June 15th in Spain
Spain begins the last stage of its “desescalada”, its deconfinement divided into several phases. As of Monday, June 15th, some regions are moving into phase 3, and Galicia will even go directly into the new normal. Certain regions such as Madrid or Barcelona remain in phase 2 and will go directly into the new normal on June 21st. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the phase changes in Spanish deconfinement on Monday June 15th.
Check out the last map before the "new normal" valid from Monday June 15th in Spain
Spain is almost in the “new normal”. Indeed, the map of the last phase before the end of the alarm state will leave most of Spain in phase 3 next Monday. The exceptions will be Galicia, which will already be in what the Spanish government calls the new normal, and seven territories, which will remain in phase 2: the Community of Madrid, Barcelona and its metropolitan area, the health area of Lleida and the provinces. Castilians and Leonians from Salamanca, Ávila, Segovia and Soria, who represent just over a quarter of the Spanish population.
The Spanish Ministry of Health has accepted all requests to move to the new phase. Both from Galicia, which asked to enter the new normal, as from the Valencian Community, from the rest of the provinces of Castilla y León, from the rest of Catalonia, from Albacete, from Toledo, from Ciudad Real and from Ceuta. 10 million citizens live in these territorial units which will go into phase 3 on Monday.
Fernando Simón, director of the Coordination Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), described the evolution of the epidemic as "very good". "We are acquiring better capacities every day for the early detection of suspected cases, their confirmation or Their dismissal. We detect 55,000 suspects every week, and between 90% and 93% of them undergo PCR tests, a percentage that is increasing. All this allows us to think that we are in a very controlled situation and therefore to value the phase changes, "said Simon during his visit this Friday.
This new scheme will last a week: on June 21 at 0.00 hours, the last extension of the state of emergency approved by the Congress of Spanish Deputies will be finished. With this, the measures that have been approved in the royal decree of “new normal” and the rules that the autonomous communities decide to establish within the framework of their powers will govern.
For example, the use of a mask will continue to be compulsory in closed spaces or when a safety distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, but there will be no more mobility restrictions, and it will be possible to travel through Spain without the need for justification. Now, without a state of emergency, concrete confinements can only be carried out in the event of epidemics endangering public health, as happened in the past in Igualada or Adeje, before the central government took over the power.
Mobility limitations are in fact the only vestige of government control that remains in the territories in phase 3. It is the autonomous communities that can apply more or less restrictive measures, they can even eliminate them all and enter directly into the new normalcy, as Galicia did. In phase 3 the time slots of all age groups disappear, establishments and commercial premises can open with a capacity of 50% (75% for outdoor terraces) and 40% in shopping centers. Cinemas, theaters and auditoriums can open with a capacity of 50%.