Spain's health minister admits coronavirus 'expert committee' never existed
This is an announcement that may surprise or annoy some to say the least. Today, during the parliamentary committee on the management of the coronavirus epidemic, the Minister of Health Salvador Illa indicated that the committee of experts, on which the Spanish government officially rely to support its decisions, in particular about the “desescalada” , never existed. The opposition demands accountability, accuses the government of lying and judges and judges the country's situation "chaotic". Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the Spanish Minister of Health's revelation about the fake coronavirus expert committee.
Spain's health minister admits coronavirus 'expert committee' never existed ©
The bogus committee of experts was one of the issues discussed today in the Parliamentary Health Commission before which Salvador Illa appeared at his own request. He described as "under control" the situation of the new outbreaks of contagion in Spain.
He says the virus "has not gone away" even though it is now causing "milder cases, many asymptomatic" and "not putting considerable pressure" on the health system.
The Spanish Minister of Health reviewed the various committees with which the government has been on alert throughout the state of emergency and admitted that in reality there was no particular expert who decided which territories should or should not go into a new phase of de-escalation (name given to Spanish deconfinement).
"There was no expert committee as such" but "technical criteria that the director general of public health transmitted to the minister," said Salvador Illa, who also added that the ultimate political decision came back to him.
The political parties PP, Ciudadanos and the UPN demanded an explanation from the Minister of Health Salvador Illa on the non-existent expert committee in which the Spanish government used to justify the decisions taken during the pandemic.
The opposition called the executive's "lie" a "tease" and "alibi" to present as scientific decisions what were only political decisions and viewed the current situation in the country as "chaotic". Not sure that the revelations of the Spanish government's lie will calm the tense political climate.