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Lisbon is the 10th city with the best quality of life in the world, regarding Monocle

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The Portuguese capital is rising in the various rankings, and Lisbon has just entered the top 10 cities with the best quality of life in the world according to the ranking of the British magazine Monocle. The Portuguese capital has risen 2 places compared to 2018 and now occupies the tenth position on a list that is dominated by Zurich, which won this year the first place at the expense of Munich, Germany. What are the criteria on which Lisbon has been recognized? What is the ranking of cities with the best quality of life in the world? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant tells you everything.

Lisbon is in the top 10 cities in the world regarding quality of life

"A sunny city enjoying new energy" - this is how the British magazine Monocle describes Lisbon. For the moment, the publication from across the Channel, which published the list in its latest newsletter, has not yet revealed more details about this choice. Last year, the twelfth place awarded to the Portuguese capital was justified because: "Lisbon is buzzing with new people and new ideas, its entrepreneurs continue to open new businesses and the city is striving to guarantee the living conditions of its inhabitants. It is planned to build affordable housing and the old electric tram has a new life. "

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The new ranking was announced in anticipation of the annual Conference on quality of life in the cities that Monocle organizes in Madrid from 27 to 29 June. For thirteen years now, the publication ranks cities around the world that offer the best living conditions, according to criteria such as transport infrastructure, cultural life, the number of green spaces, the cost of housing or the entrepreneurial environment.

This year, Zurich (Switzerland) leads the league, moving from fourth place in 2018 to the first. For Monocle, the city represents a "winning combination" of security, "exceptionally functional" public transport and many places to dive into the lake that is the trademark of the city. And if Zurich had raised bureaucratic barriers for entrepreneurs who wanted to settle there, Monocle says that the Swiss metropolis has reversed the trend and is now a talent incubator. Another point that led Zurich to first place is its location and excellent external relations: "From Zurich you can travel anywhere in Europe in a matter of hours, but it's always good to come back."


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Next are Tokyo (Japan), Munich (Germany) and Copenhagen (Denmark) in the ranking of cities offering the best quality of life. Vienna (Austria) came in fifth, followed by Helsinki (Finland), Hamburg (Germany), Madrid (Spain), Berlin (Germany) and Lisbon, finishing the top ten.

Then appear on the cities of Melbourne (Australia), Stockholm (Sweden), Sydney (Australia), Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Vancouver (Canada).

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