
Coronavirus : 1st suspected case of infection in Portugal

Coronavirus : 1st suspected case of infection in Portugal

Portugal would hold its first case of coronavirus patient? Today the Portuguese Directorate General for Health (DGS) confirmed the first suspected case of coronavirus in Portugal, with a patient under observation at the Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon. According to DGS, the "patient, who returned today [this Saturday] from China, where he has been in the city of Wuhan (Hubei province) for a few days, is already under observation at the Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon, a hospital of reference for these situations ”. The official press release from the Portuguese DGS is available by clicking here. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the global coronavirus epidemic.

Coronavirus outbreak : Lisbon airport does not screen passengers from China

Coronavirus outbreak : Lisbon airport does not screen passengers from China

The new coronavirus that has appeared in China has already infected more than 800 people and has killed 41 people (at the time of writing), leading to the quarantine of several Chinese cities. Tens of millions of people cannot get out of their cities, and some airports are cordoned off. The virus having already reached other countries including France, airport checks are necessary. Portugal, however, still has not implemented screening for passengers from China. This information is reported to us by the Bombeiros24 website.

Corruption : Portugal falls in corruption world rankings

Corruption : Portugal falls in corruption world rankings

As every year, the NGO Transparency International publishes its ranking of the corruption perception index (CPI), considered as the main global indicator of the level of corruption in the public sector. This year Portugal sees its ranking dropped both globally and at the European level. According to Transparency International, problems of conflicts of interest, the usurpation of state resources for electoral purposes, insufficient disclosure of the funding of political parties and campaigns and the lack of independence of the media remain common. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this global ranking of corruption.

Definitive green light for the new Montijo-Lisbon airport ?

Definitive green light for the new Montijo-Lisbon airport ?

The new Lisbon-Montijo airport will be done after receiving the final green light from the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). This new airport has been debated for a few years and after multiple twists in this file, the environmental impact study (DIA) gave a favorable opinion to the construction of Montijo airport in exchange for several environmental measures of a amount of 48 million euros. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the final green light given to the construction of the new Montijo airport.

« It’s a crime against the country ! » : Changes to Golden Visas and NHR status scare off investors, explains APEMIP

« It’s a crime against the country ! » : Changes to Golden Visas and NHR status scare off investors, explains APEMIP

Portuguese real estate sector is currently turned against the government and against the bad signals it sends to foreign investors. This is the consequence of the possible modification of the rules for awarding golden visas and NHR status. These tax incentives are under the radar of many European countries which see them as unfair competition. Today, Luis Lima, the president of APEMIP, the Association of Professionals and Real Estate Companies of Portugal, sounds the alarm and indicates that the planned changes are driving investors away. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant to Portugal, tells you all about Luis Lima’s statement.

Storm Gloria : 4 districts under wind alert in Portugal, Coimbra devastated and 4 dead in Spain under maximum alert

Storm Gloria : 4 districts under wind alert in Portugal, Coimbra devastated and 4 dead in Spain under maximum alert

Storm Gloria is hitting Spain and Portugal hard, and has already caused its first casualties. Portugal remains under yellow alert due to strong wind with gusts which will reach 110 km / h. IPMA points out that Storm Gloria is a rare Mediterranean episode for the month of January. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about Storm Gloria and the yellow alert in Portugal.

First drop in rental prices in Lisbon since 2016

First drop in rental prices in Lisbon since 2016

Is something happening in the Portuguese capital real estate market ? In fact, the residential income index recorded in the third quarter of 2019 the first negative variation since the third quarter of 2016, according to data from Confidencial Imobiliário. The mad increase in rental prices in Lisbon is coming to an end, after years of increases which have caused housing difficulties for locals. Some see it as a financial bubble burst, others as a simple adjustment. This 1.4% drop is the first for several years. At the national level, the increase was 0.2%, and 2.5% for Porto. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the falling rents in the Portuguese capital.

Bloco de Esquerda insists on the end of NHR status and golden visas

Bloco de Esquerda insists on the end of NHR status and golden visas

The Bloco de Esquerda (left-wing bloc) today presented two proposals, as part of the Portuguese state budget for 2020, to end the golden visas and eliminate the non-habitual resident regime. This is not the first time that the left party has put forward such a proposal with the aim of bringing more tax justice, but this year the bloco de esquerda intends to have its proposals adopted. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the Bloco de Esquerda's insistence on ending the RNH status as well as the golden visas.

New NHR status for retirees : 10% tax and 7,500 euros minimum per year

 New NHR status for retirees : 10% tax and 7,500 euros minimum per year

Selling Portugal as a "fiscal Eldorado" or "Florida of Europe" will be more difficult. Foreign retirees who join the non-habitual resident regime (NHR) in the future should lose the tax exemption and double non-taxation and will have to pay a tax rate of 10% with a minimum tax of 7,500 € per year, according to sources close to the government. For several weeks, NHR status specialists have been agitating to find out whether the famous tax system will be abolished or modified for foreign retirees. The subject is advancing because today it is a clear proposal from the PS which will be debated as part of the 2020 State Budget. A tax rate of 10% with a minimum amount of € 7,500 in taxes to be paid per year : this is the PS's proposal for the 2020 State Budget. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the new NHR status.

How to get refund of the overpaid IUC tax for a car imported into Portugal ?

How to get refund of the overpaid IUC tax for a car imported into Portugal ?

The Portuguese tax authorities are preparing the automatic refund of the IUC of certain imported vehicles. Following the court ruling on the irregularity of the calculation of the IUC for cars dating before 2007 and imported into Portugal thereafter, the Portuguese fiscc opens a refund of the overpayment which potentially concerns 130,000 taxpayers. How to recover the IUC ? How do you know if you are affected by the reimbursement of this tax ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the reimbursement of the IUC.

End of tax exemption for foreign pensioners in Portugal : Portuguese government will change the NHR status

End of tax exemption for foreign pensioners in Portugal : Portuguese government will change the NHR status

Some will still say "fake news" but it is something that is approaching: the end of NHR status as we know it. Indeed, the Portuguese government has decided to go ahead and propose changes to the NHR tax regime which grants total tax exemption for 10 years to foreign retirees. It’s the Jornal de Negocios that headlines it today. They say the government is preparing a minimum tax rate on foreign pension income, but will not change the conditions for current beneficiaries. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, offers you the translation of this article from Jornal de Negocios.

Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway

Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway

Be careful this Sunday if you take the subway in Lisbon. In fact, you may be surprised, pleasantly or not, by slightly undressed travelers. This January 12th is the "No Pants Subway Ride Lisboa", which will once again challenge all the brave passengers of the Lisbon metro. The goal ? Traveling without pants. Yes, only in underwear ! The initiative comes from New York and will once again be present in the Portuguese capital. She promises to generate smiles and some chills. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this day in underwear in the Lisbon metro.

Energy poverty : 20 % of Portuguese people doesn't have money to heat correctly during winter

Energy poverty : 20 % of Portuguese people doesn't have money to heat correctly during winter

Portugal is the fifth country in the European Union where there are the most people struggling to heat their homes properly. The data come from the Eurostat study for the year 2018, which concludes that around one fifth of the Portuguese (19.4%) did not have the financial capacity to meet heating costs during the most difficult months. cold. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, offers you the translation of this article published on sol.sapo.pt.

"Portuguese real estate market will cool down due to lack of supply in 2020" : the president of the association of professionals and real estate companies in Portugal takes stock

"Portuguese real estate market will cool down due to lack of supply in 2020" : the president of the association of professionals and real estate companies in Portugal takes stock

After the boom, the Portuguese real estate market will cool down in 2020: the president of professionals in the real estate sector says so. He thinks it is necessary to adapt the offer to the needs of the market. Luís Lima, president of the Association of Professionals and Real Estate Companies of Portugal (APEMIP), gives this interview translated from the site dinehirovivo.pt

Portuguese tax authorities decide to reimburse four years of IUC tax for certain imported cars

Portuguese tax authorities decide to reimburse four years of IUC tax for certain imported cars

Portuguese tax authorities have decided to review the way they have calculated the single circulation tax (IUC) levied on used cars imported from the European Union so far, without taking into account that they already had first registration in another country. Basically, when the car arrived in Portugal, it was treated as if it were registered for the first time, regardless of its actual age for tax purposes. However, the Portuguese tax authorities now recognize that this method of calculation was illegal and, moreover, that the owners of vehicles in these cases have the right to recover the tax collected in excess during the last four years, provided that the law authorizes the revision of a tax law.

Portuguese tax authorities control 264 “fake” non-habitual residents with huge tax adjustments

Portuguese tax authorities control 264 “fake” non-habitual residents with huge tax adjustments

Some beneficiaries of the NHR status might be anxious ! Indeed, the Portuguese tax administration carried out 264 inspections of beneficiaries of the regime of non-habitual residents (NHR), which led to tax adjustments and, consequently, an increase in the tax payable. Some beneficiaries played with fire by not fulfilling their part of the contract. In order to be able to continue to benefit from NHR status, you must reside in Portugal for at least 183 days (6 months) per year. Persons who have been unable to prove their residence in Portugal for at least 6 months have been notified of tax adjustments. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this wave of checks for beneficiaries of NHR status.

Up to 70% more tax for Alojamento Local owners : ALEP is raising the alarm

Up to 70% more tax for Alojamento Local owners : ALEP is raising the alarm

It could be the cold shower for owners of touristic and seasonal rental property in Portugal. Indeed the ALEP, the association of Alojamento Local in Portugal (seasonal and tourist rental) warned this Thursday that the increase in the tax for housing included in a containment zone represents a tax increase of at least 43% and up to 70% in some cases. Although nothing is yet final, the Portuguese State Budget for 2020 suggests a sharp increase in taxes for owners of Alojamento Local registered property in containment areas. This increase, deemed excessive by professionals in the sector, jeopardizes several hundred jobs and calls into question the profitability of Airbn’b type seasonal and tourist rentals. What are the details of this tax change for the Alojamento local ? What are the expected consequences ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this tax increase for owners of vacation rental homes.

Portugal ignores Brussels ultimatum by not changing ISV tax on imported cars and even chooses to raise it

Portugal ignores Brussels ultimatum by not changing ISV tax on imported cars and even chooses to raise it

It seems that Portugal is looking for a confrontation with Brussels over the ISV tax. Indeed, while the European Commission has imposed an ultimatum on Portugal to modify the calculation of the ISV tax, Lisbon has decided to turn a deaf ear to threats and will keep the ISV tax as it is. Worse, the Portuguese State Budget indicates an aggravation of the tax for the year 2020. Neither the defeats of the Portuguese taxman in the courts nor the threat of Brussels have changed the opinion of the economy ministry of Mário Centeno. What are the consequences of this Lisbon decision? How will Brussels react? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this increasingly open conflict between Lisbon and Brussels.

Red alert for 5 regions in Portugal : rain, thunderstorm, flood and 130 km/h winds expected this Thursday

Red alert for 5 regions in Portugal : rain, thunderstorm, flood and 130 km/h winds expected this Thursday

The weather is getting worse in Portugal and we'll have to be careful! Indeed, the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) issued a red alert, the most serious, for 5 regions of Portugal because of the forecast of heavy persistent rains and the risk of flood expected this Thursday. Thunderstorms will also be present, and IPMA says winds will reach 130 km / h in the Minho region. The bad will persist until Saturday and almost the entire country will be under orange alert until then. Which regions are placed on red alert? What precautions should be taken ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant to Portugal, tells you all about this red alert.

Storm "Elsa": Orange alert for five districts in Portugal because of who brings rain, wind and thunder

Storm "Elsa": Orange alert for five districts in Portugal because of who brings rain, wind and thunder

Bad weather continues in Portugal, with the arrival of the storm "Elsa". Five districts of mainland Portugal are indeed on orange alert this Wednesday because of the forecast of heavy persistent rains which could be accompanied by thunderstorms, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA). The regions of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Vila Real and Aveiro will be under orange alert between 6 p.m. Wednesday and 0 a.m. Thursday. The rain also led the IPMA to issue a yellow warning for the districts of Viseu, Guarda, Castelo Branco, Coimbra and Leiria until 3 am Thursday. Strong winds will also be there. What is the weather forecast for Portugal for the next few days? Which regions are affected by the yellow and orange alerts? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant to Portugal, tells you all about the warning issued by the IPMA.