It's a huge surprise in Spain: King Emeritus Juan Carlos I has just announced that he has decided to leave the country. It is an abandonment of the homeland that looms for the King Emeritus, whose destination is not yet known. Juan Carlos I had been the subject of allegations of money laundering and corruption for several weeks, and prosecution was approaching, with the clear risk of ending up in prison. Thus, the emeritus king hopes to save “his dignity”…. and his a**. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the abandonment of Spain by the King of Spain himself.
King of Spain announces that he is abandoning the country
It’s a huge surprise in Spain which has just been announced on Monday August 3rd. Spain's King Emeritus Juan Carlos announced in a letter to his son, King Philip VI, that he was leaving Spain. The decision comes after the latest wave of tax scandals from the one who was king until 2014.
The decision, which was announced to King Philip VI on Monday, was put forward by the Spanish newspaper ABC. In this letter, which ABC publishes in its entirety, Juan Carlos evokes the "public repercussion" of the most recent scandals involving the King Emeritus of Spain.
“With the same thirst for service to Spain that inspired my reign and in view of the public repercussions generated by certain past events in my private life, I wish to express to you my absolute desire to contribute so that the exercise becomes more easy of your functions, in the perspective of peace and tranquility which your high responsibility demands ”, wrote the King Emeritus to his son.
"My heritage, my own dignity as a person, demands it." Thus, mentioning that he had already given up all institutional activity last year, Juan Carlos now explains that his best place is now outside the borders. “Now, guided by the conviction to provide the best service to the Spaniards, their institutions and you as King, I inform you of my considered decision to move, at this time, out of Spain.