With 27,650 deaths linked to the coronavirus, Spain is one of the most affected countries in the world and it is gradually implementing deconfinement measures. Tourism is one of the most impacted sectors, and travel restrictions are very strict in Spain. The borders being closed, neither tourists nor expatriates can move, except for valid reason. Spain announced on Monday its plan for the reopening of its borders and aims for free movement at the end of June, possibly at the same time as the end of the state of emergency scheduled for June 27th, if Pedro Sanchez obtains his extension. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the reopening of the Spanish borders.
Spain extends border closure until June 15th and let 5 airports open to foreigners
Spain plans to reopen its borders in late June. This was announced by Jose Luis Abalos, Spanish Minister for Transport. Madrid last week imposed a mandatory two-week quarantine on all foreign travelers and said it would keep the borders closed until travel within Spain was allowed.
When the country recorded less than 100 coronavirus deaths for the second day in a row on Monday, Jose Luis Abalos said tourism will resume in June when the summer vacation in Europe begins. "We cannot allow foreigners to enter while the Spanish population is still confined," said Abalos. “From the end of June, we will start tourist activity again. We must make Spain an attractive country from the point of view of health. "
Spain has 27,709 deaths from Covid-19 and 231,606 confirmed cases. Tourism accounts for more than 12% of Spain's GDP. Even with the reopening of borders at the end of June, the turnover of the sector will drop between 93 and 124 billion euros, according to Exceltur.
The reopening of the borders should coincide with the end of the state of emergency, once all the inhabitants can move freely on the territory. For the time being fixed until May 27th, Pedro Sanchez will ask for a 30-day extension, the only way he believes to continue to apply measures to fight the coronavirus epidemic.