The number of new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal is accelerating. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 331 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal. 196 are in the northern region, 180 in that of Lisbon, 51 in the central region and 14 in the Algarve, and a first confirmed case in Madeira. The Alentejo has no cases registered. Only three patients have so far fully recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.
448 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, first case in Madeira
There are 448 cases of Covid-19 infection in Portugal, 117 more than the day before (when 331 cases were detected), according to the last report published by the Portuguese Directorate General for Health. There are currently 323 people awaiting laboratory results and three cases of people who have already recovered.
A deadly victim was already announced yesterday at a press conference by Portuguese Minister of Health Marta Temido.
The number of transmission chains increased again: from 18 to 19, the cases being imported mainly from Spain, Italy, France and Switzerland. The other imported cases come from Andorra, Belgium, Germany and Austria.
There are cases registered in almost all the Portuguese regions, except in Alentejo - Madeira confirmed, a few hours ago, the first positive case in the autonomous region. She is a woman of Dutch origin who was not included in the report because she was not "in the system", said Graça Freitas at a later press conference.
Situation of coronavirus outbreak in Portugal on 17/03 - Source: DGS
More than half of those infected are at home. Of the 448 confirmed cases, 206 people are hospitalized in the health units and 17 people are placed in the intensive care units (one less than the day before).
There are 1.142 respiratory ventilators in the country
António Sales also revealed that there were 1,142 ventilators in the country. There are "528 ventilators in intensive care, 480 in blocks, 134 in expansion capacity", he detailed. There are still 250 respiratory ventilators in the private sector. To strengthen the response to the epidemic, an intensive care working group for "resource planning" was also created.