Certainly, covid-19 will have changed a lot of things, and this news will put some balm in the hearts of the Portuguese. While Lisbon airport is regularly cited among the least ranked in Europe and even in the world, ACI Europe has just awarded it the prize for the best airport in Europe in the category of airports which operate between 25 and 40 million passengers. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new international recognition for Portuguese tourism.
Lisbon wins "best European airport" award according to ACI Europe
Lisbon Airport has just been distinguished as "Best European Airport 2020" by ACI Europe, the international organization which annually recognizes the best airports in the world and which has therefore just distinguished Portuguese infrastructure in the category of airports that operate between 25 and 40 million passengers.
According to a press release from ANA-Aeroportos, the distinction was awarded to Lisbon for "the responsibility and commitment of Humberto Delgado airport in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic", which has set up, like other national airports , “Protective measures since the start of this crisis (December 2019), in close collaboration with the health authorities”.
In the press release, ANA underlines that Lisbon airport has adapted, "whenever necessary, its spaces to the measures necessary to mitigate contagion" and that, in addition to the recommendations of social distancing - thanks to the signage and the adequacy of spaces -, strengthening of cleaning and disinfection with the most innovative procedures, taking the temperature of all arriving passengers, “passenger flows have also been adjusted to avoid concentrations and a strong communication and passenger information campaign has been put in place ”.
ANA also promotes the implementation of contactless solutions and the use of advanced disinfection equipment. UV technology for large surfaces and equipment such as counters, luggage trolleys, X-ray trays, among others.
For Lisbon airport, this is a rather unexpected price, when its infrastructure is very often criticized and the need for a second airport was more than necessary, at least before the covid-19 crisis.