Did you lose any official documents or personal belongings while traveling to Lisbon? Whether in public transport (bus, metro, train, boat or other), or in stations or even taxi, there are lost-and-found solutions available to expatriates or tourists to find what has been lost. What to do when you have lost an object in Lisbon? Who to contact? Where is the lost-and-found in Lisbon ? Lisbob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything I you have lost something in Lisbon.
Lost and Found : What if I lost something in Lisbon?
Find a lost object online in Portugal
The main public transport operators (Metro, Bus, Train, Ferry) provide information on the topic on their web pages, telling users the procedures to follow. Essentially, it involves contacting customer service centers to obtain information on the location of the lost item or to complete an online form with full identification. the user, the date of the event and the description of the lost object.
Abandoned objects, valuables or documents found on public transport or in the premises of the operators must be delivered by those who found them at the counter of the place where it is or directly to the police force. if they have a structure to receive lost items or with security forces (PSP and GNR).
The different transport operators can define the deadlines for claiming the lost goods, as well as their destination in case of non-complaint. You also need to know that the taxi is pretty correct on it and do not hesitate to deposit the objects found at their central. If necessary, contact the taxi center that you have used.
Here are the links to the lost and found page of the various transport operators in Lisbon:
Metro: http://www.metrolisboa.pt/informacao/atendimento_ao_cliente/perdidos-e-achados/
Train: https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/pt/como-viajar/informacao-util/perdidos-achados
Carris: http://www.carris.pt/pt/mobile-perdidos-e-achados/
A one-year claim period in Portugal for lost property
Regarding the time limits for claiming it is necessary to respect the provisions of Article 1323 of the Civil Code, according to which the time to claim a lost property is one year, after which the thing does not belong to you anymore (it belongs to whoever found the object).
Of course, this rule does not apply to all lost items. For example, if the property is perishable, it may be destroyed or delivered to a social solidarity association or for charitable purposes, if it is still in its validity period.
Identity documents and any other official document issued to a person, if they are not claimed within the deadlines set by the operators, must be handed over to the security forces or transmitted to the respective issuing authorities.
An online public portal for lost and found objects in Portugal
Lost items can also be searched on the "perdidoseachados" (Lost and Found Objects) portal, which is publicly available at http://perdidoseachados.mai.gov.pt, where lost and found items are stored centrally. You can search for a phone, a piece of identification or a bag: everything is saved on this site and it allows you to get in touch with the office concerned in order to recover what belongs to you.
The PSP Police Office, which deals with lost and found items, is located at :
Praça Cidade de Salazar, Lote 180 - Olivais
1800-125 LISBOA
Tel .: 218535403
Fax .: 218530779
Working hours: 09H to 12H30 and 14H to 16H
Your object does not appear in the list? Don’t panic : the system also allows you to subscribe to the search results to receive a later notification by e-mail when an object corresponding to the description that has been given and put online. So no need to return to this site every day, you are directly informed!