Recent Portuguese figures for the coronavirus epidemic are not good, especially in the Lisbon area. Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced on Tuesday new measures that will only be in place in the Lisbon metropolitan area, AML, and will remain until the spread figures for covid-19 improve. Over the past few days, Portugal is the 2nd European country with the highest ratio of new cases and Lisbon has been forced to tighten the rules. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the new Lisbon mini-lockdown rules.
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Mini-lockdown: check out the new rules for the Lisbon metropolitan area
General rules
Within the AML (metropolitan area of Lisbon), meetings "are limited to 10 people, unless they belong to the same household", according to the resolution of the Council of Ministers approved Monday evening and published in the Diário da República. The limit was before 20.
The municipalities of Alcochete, Almada, Amadora, Barreiro, Cascais, Lisbon, Loures, Mafra, Moita, Montijo, Odivelas, Oeiras, Palmela, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setúbal, Sintra and Vila Franca de Xira are affected.
The problem of the new contagions of covid-19 located in 15 parishes of the municipalities of Lisbon, Sintra, Amadora, Odivelas and Loures will be analyzed again Thursday in the Council of Ministers, with the application of measures of reinforcement in terms of civil protection.
Retail and food service establishments
From 8 p.m., all establishments must close, with the exception of restaurants serving meals until 11 p.m. Drinks will be authorized only to accompany the meal and for consumption in establishments. Cafes, for example, must also close at 8 p.m.
Catering establishments and the like which pursue activity intended for consumption outside the establishment or for home delivery, directly or through an intermediary, "cannot supply alcoholic beverages after 8 p.m.".
Security forces
Within the framework of the special measures applicable in the Lisbon region, the operational activity of the security forces and emergency services operating in this area "may be reinforced, if necessary".
According to the Portuguese government, the reinforcement of the security forces can be ensured "by personnel of other geographical areas, in collaboration with the municipal structure of civil protection".
Sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages
"The sale of alcoholic beverages in service areas or at service stations located in the AML is prohibited," reads the resolution of the Council of Ministers.
In addition to the sale ban, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in open spaces accessible to the public at the AML is prohibited, "with the exception of outside spaces of duly approved catering and drink establishments", which may open up at 8:00 p.m. No more beer at sunset at the Lisbon viewpoint.
Crime of disobedience
Failure to follow its rules will be very expensive. "Anyone who does not comply with any of these four rules, and following the first violation, will be charged with a crime of disobedience. The person indicated will be immediately arrested," said Lusa.
The crime of disobedience, provided for in the Portuguese Penal Code, designates those who do not obey a "legitimate order or mandate" from a competent authority or official and can be punished with imprisonment of up to one year or 120 days fine.
The Portuguese General Directorate of Health announced on Tuesday the existence of 1,540 deaths and 39,737 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal since the start of the pandemic. The Lisbon region concentrates the vast majority of new cases, which led the government to adopt its measures.