Portugal ended the state of emergency to move to that of calamity, opening the door to a gradual resumption of authorized activities and places. Among those who are eagerly awaited, the Portuguese beaches are at the top of the list and it is quite normal as the Portuguese beaches are magnificent. The coronavirus epidemic requires a new adaptation and new rules to protect everyone while enjoying the beaches. The DGS has already recommended a distance of 2 meters between each person and swimmer. Even if the final decisions should be known by the weekend, some sources indicate that the Portuguese government would lean for a maximum of 6 people per umbrella, the installation of turnstiles at the entrance to the beaches and a limitation of gatherings to 10 people. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what will change on the Portuguese beaches is summer.
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Opening June 1, 6 people per umbrella, 2 meters apart: this is what Portuguese beaches might look like this summer
According to the Portuguese newspaper "Correio da Manhã" this Wednesday, the gatherings on the beach will have a maximum number of 10 people. It is neither more nor less than the same figure that was defined for other circumstances in the decree of the state of calamity. An exception to the rule with large families who will of course be able to go to several on Portuguese beaches.
According to the "Correio da Manhã", the Portuguese government is still studying the imposition of a limit of four to six people per parasol. The government's intention is to conditionally begin the bathing season on June 1st - one month after the return to normal. Next week, the António Costa executive is expected to announce to the Portuguese all the measures to be applied.
The intention of the government is to have different rules for small and large beaches, because “obviously a beach with long sand - where people can spread out and where there are no agglomerations - is very different from a small beach, where it is much more difficult to hinder this town, ”says Tiago Antunes, Deputy Secretary of State to the Portuguese Prime Minister.
He recognizes that the bathing season "is a difficult subject, because the beaches have no door by which it is possible to decide who enters or not". The installation of turnstiles to count the number of people on the beach is envisaged.
Responsibility for developing standards rests with a technical commission headed by the Portuguese Environment Agency, which includes ten other entities, including the Directorate General for Health. The rules must appear in time to be applied in all Portuguese municipalities at the start of the bathing season, that is, on June 1st, if the coronavirus epidemic does not experience a second wave.