The state of emergency ends in Portugal and a heat arrives at the same time. This Saturday is already a pleasant day from a temperature point of view, but Sunday will see peaks and perhaps break heat records in some places. The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) has indeed warned of the arrival of a heat wave from the Sahara Desert, bringing with it an increase in temperatures which will reach 37ºC in places. The Portuguese police, for their part, are concerned about the non-compliance with protective measures. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this heat wave from the Sahara.
Sahara heat wave hits Portugal: + 37º expected this Sunday, police worried
This Saturday, May 2, temperatures have risen dramatically compared to previous days. Tomorrow Sunday May 3, the increase will be even greater. According to the IPMA (Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Poortese Atmosphere), a heat wave from the desert in North Africa will particularly affect the regions of Alentejo and Ribatejo.
In Coruche, for example, temperatures will reach 37 degrees. In Alcácer do Sal, Santarém and Évora, for example, the thermometer will reach 34 degrees, Setúbal 33º and Lisbon, Leiria and Beja, 32º.
The heat wave will be less intense in the districts of Braga, Coimbra or Castelo Branco, with the thermometers pointing at a maximum of 31 degrees. The Algarve will be spared: Faro will remain at 26º and Guarda at 25 degrees. The mass of hot air will cause an abrupt (and disturbing) change in temperature. According to the IPMA, there will be cities with a difference of 10 degrees between this Saturday and Sunday.
Portuguese police fear that many people will go to the beaches to cool off. This is of course still prohibited at the moment because of the coronavirus outbreak.
PSP (Portuguese police) are counting on "the responsibility and the motivation of the people" in order to definitively overcome this health crisis, but guarantee that it will continue with many operations and a lot of control on the street. Bathing areas, tourist areas, usual places to walk will be areas that deserve a lot of attention and will be prohibited if necessary ”.