
expat Portugal

Portuguese school calendar 2024-2025: back to school, dates and holidays

Portuguese school calendar 2024-2025: back to school, dates and holidays

It's time to prepare your agenda and plan your next holidays. At the beginning of the new year, you can now find out what are the mandatory public and national holidays in Portugal in 2020. The Portuguese legislation is very clear about national and public holidays and information on this subject is included in the Labor Code, more specifically in Article 234. It lists the days that are officially considered as mandatory national and public holidays and therefore must be respected as days of rest each year. You will have the possibility of planning long week-ends, extended holidays or simply public holidays. Lisbob will guide you through the 2020 calendar and you will find out what it has for you in terms of mandatory public and national holidays. What are the national and public holidays in Portugal in 2020 ? When can I plan my holidays ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you everything about the calendar of public and national holidays in 2020 in Portugal.

How to subscribe to a temporary car insurance in Portugal ?

How to subscribe to a temporary car insurance in Portugal ?

Portugal is known for its variety of activities. Indeed, these large wildernesses allow nature lovers to indulge in different hobbies. Fishing is a part of it and it is important to know your insurance obligations. As in other European countries, Portugal imposes a certain number of rules to be fulfilled in order to be able to engage in the practice of the fishing and drive a pleasure boat, that it is occasional for the leisure or professional. Every fisherman must be careful to be in good standing about insurance. Some fishermen are legally required to take out insurance to be able to fish. What compulsory insurance to subscribe to be able to fish ? What are the covers offered ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the different types of insurance for fishermen to fish safely.

Capital gains in Portugal : Everything you need to know about taxes when selling your real estate

Capital gains in Portugal : Everything you need to know about taxes when selling your real estate

In Portugal, capital gains from real estate assets correspond to the profit obtained from the sale of a house. They consist of the difference between the price at which someone bought a property and the price to which this same property has been sold. If there is a loss instead of profit, then there is no tax. In Portugal, the sale of real estate can sometimes have unpleasant surprises. Real estate gains are heavily taxed, and their calculation is important to take into account before any final decision. Selling your house in Portugal is not easy. Whether buying or selling property in Portugal, taxes are as usual. How to calculate the capital gain on real estate assets in Portugal ? How to calculate the taxes on the capital gain in Portugal ? How to benefit from a tax exemption for the resale of your property in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the capital gains of real estate assets and taxes related to the sale of house in Portugal.

How to choose your type of car insurance in Portugal : third-party and all-risks

How to choose your type of car insurance in Portugal : third-party and all-risks

When you decide to go live in Portugal with your vehicle, then the question of car insurance arises at a given moment. Although Portugal is a European country and the rules of car insurance are generally similar to other countries, Portuguese insurance has a way of operating, insurance policies and covers of your car that differ and are unique. Indeed, the third-party car insurance or all risks have each advantages and disadvantages that should be weighed before choosing car insurance. Car insurance can offer several coverages, depending on the budget and the risks you want to take care of. There are two types of motor insurance: car liability insurance and all-risk insurance. What are the differences between motor insurance against third parties and comprehensive insurance in Portugal ?  What type of insurance to choose ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about third-party car insurance and all risks.

Work accident in Portugal : everything you need to know

Work accident in Portugal : everything you need to know

Despite significant progress in preventing occupational accidents in recent years, the number of occurrences in Portugal is still high. In fact, Portugal is one of the European countries with the highest number of work accidents, and expatriates who decide to leave to live and work in Portugal are sometimes poorly prepared or lost to the complexity of Portuguese laws in case accident occurring at work. Of course, some industries are more at risk of accidents - the construction sector continues to be the most affected both in terms of the number of accidents and the severity of accidents - but the truth is that an accident at work can happen to anyone, any time, whatever the profession. Indeed, an accident that occurs on the way back from work can be considered and taken care of as an accident at work. What is the definition of a work accident in Portugal ? How to recognize it ? What are the rights and duties in case of work accidents ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about what you need to know about work-related accidents.

What is the best VPN for expats accessible from Portugal and how to install it ?

What is the best VPN for expats accessible from Portugal and how to install it ?

As an expatriate, the Internet has become a real communication tool that, despite the distance and the kilometers, makes us feel a little less close to our loved ones. Social networks, news site, videoconferencing: The Internet has revolutionized the way expats live abroad. Go on a trip or business trip, study or work abroad ? It has become important to keep access to its favorite websites and content, and to ignore censorship or bandwidth limitations. However, it is sometimes difficult to have access your favorite site or a particular newspaper because of the geographical location. This problem is well known to expatriates and one solution is found : the VPN. To make it simple, the Virtual Private Network makes the website believe that you are connected from a country other than where you are. There are several, at moderate costs, but difficult to navigate in this multitude of offers and technical aspects. Relax : Lisbob has done a thorough investigation to find out how to watch TV from Portugal, access the Netflix catalog or consult your favorite news site. What is the best VPN from Portugal ? How to install a VPN to access foreign sites? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you all about the best VPN and how to install it.

The beaches of Costa da Caparica will be closed in August in turn

The beaches of Costa da Caparica will be closed in August in turn

The beautiful beaches of Costa da Caparica will close in August, at the rate of 5 days for each beach. The cause of this closure is the need to restore sand levels that have become too low. An operation that was announced for the month of May, but whose embankment work had not started yet due to the absence of a visa from the Portuguese Court of Accounts - and which has not yet arrived. The authorities say that the sand replacement operation of Costa da Caparica beaches can’t be done at any other time of the year. The concessionaires of the beaches, outraged by the decision to close the bars and restaurants in the middle of August, are in conflict with the municipality of Costa da Caparica. This € 6.3 million operation (financed by European funds), opens a summer controversy. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the controversial closing of the Costa da Caparica beaches in August.

500,000 expats in Portugal : discover the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal

500,000 expats in Portugal : discover the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal

Brazil continues to dominate the top 3 nationalities with the most immigrants in Portugal, followed by Cape Verde, which was already in second position. The change on the podium takes place with the Romanian citizens who have reached the third place. Tax security and benefits, on the other hand, are attracting more and more European citizens to Portuguese territory, particularly in France and Italy. What is the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal? What is the evolution compared to last year? Lisbob, the assistant of expats in Portugal, tells you everything.

Portugal offers 6,500 euros to its emigrants coming back to work in the country

Portugal offers 6,500 euros to its emigrants coming back to work in the country

Portugal has decided to go even further in encouraging Portuguese immigrants to return. Indeed, the government has announced the intention to offer 6,500 euros to its emigrants who return to work in Portugal. Thus, the Portuguese government hopes to seduce all those who left with the crisis and have not yet returned to the country, where the birth rate is very low and the maintenance of the population above 10 million. inhabitants are expensive. This proposal was approved last March by the Council of Ministers and will enter into force in July under the name "Programa Regresar", intended for Portuguese as well as Portuguese-descendants. With the 50% drop in the IRS for people returning to Portugal, this is a second shock measure to encourage the return of Portuguese emigrants. There are, however, certain conditions, including the fact that assistance to returnees is only granted to emigrants with a contract of employment as an employee. What are the conditions to benefit from this program? How to access the € 6,500 premium? Lisbob, the assistant of expats in Portugal tells you all about the new incentive to return to the country of Portuguese emigrants.

Lisbon is the 10th city with the best quality of life in the world, regarding Monocle

Lisbon is the 10th city with the best quality of life in the world, regarding Monocle

The Portuguese capital is rising in the various rankings, and Lisbon has just entered the top 10 cities with the best quality of life in the world according to the ranking of the British magazine Monocle. The Portuguese capital has risen 2 places compared to 2018 and now occupies the tenth position on a list that is dominated by Zurich, which won this year the first place at the expense of Munich, Germany. What are the criteria on which Lisbon has been recognized? What is the ranking of cities with the best quality of life in the world? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant tells you everything.

Strong slowdown in real estate prices in Lisbon : is it time to sell?

Strong slowdown in real estate prices in Lisbon : is it time to sell?

After the euphoria of recent years, the rise in property prices in Portugal is declining and stabilizing. Investment in the residential market is starting to "lose momentum" at a time when demand is weakening and showing signs of slowing down. Lack of supply continues to weigh on prices, but less than before, also because of the upward trend in supply for new construction. With this change of cycle in sight, is it time to think about selling your property in Portugal ?

" There is a bomb on the plane ! " : Emergency landing and a man arrested in Porto

" There is a bomb on the plane ! " : Emergency landing and a man arrested in Porto

A 26-year-old Italian national has been arrested on Tuesday while traveling on a Ryanair flight at Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport in Porto after shouting that he had a bomb on the plane. The plane had taken off from Bergamo, Italy, and the passengers were held inside the aircraft for 30 minutes after landing, during explosive and bomb search time. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about this arrest following bomb threats.

End of NHR status for Swedish pensioners in Portugal

End of NHR status for Swedish pensioners in Portugal

Swedish pensioners will have one less reason to come and retire in Portugal. Indeed, after long months of negotiations and contradictory statements by both parties, Sweden and Portugal have signed a new tax treaty that particularly affects beneficiaries of NHR status, non-habitual resident. Sweden will regain the right to tax the private pensions of Swedish pensioners living in Portugal, following the signing of a protocol to the tax treaty aimed at eliminating double taxation by both countries. This new agreement simply signifies the death sentence of the tax exemption enjoyed by Swedish retirees in Portugal. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the end of NHR status for Swedish retirees.

Lisbon is the city that received the most ships in 2017 and the sixth most polluted in Europe

Lisbon is the city that received the most ships in 2017 and the sixth most polluted in Europe

According to a study by the European Federation of Transport and the Environment, Lisbon was the city with the largest number of cruise ships in 2017 and is the sixth most polluted port city in Europe. Mass tourism is affecting Lisbon and the expansion of its cruise ship capacity is reflected in pollution levels, including sulfur dioxide emissions. In total, Europe's 200 cruise ships pollute more than all European cars. What is the ranking of the most polluted cities in Europe? What does Lisbon intend to do to counter the trend? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about this news that falls for Lisbon freshly elected "Green Capital of Europe".

Portuguese tax authorities sentenced to refund part of the ISV tax for an imported car

Portuguese tax authorities sentenced to refund part of the ISV tax for an imported car

Portugal's tax and customs authority (TA) has been ordered to return part of the ISV, the import tax on vehicles, to a taxpayer who had imported a car from Germany. According to the court's decision, the calculation of the tax does not take into account the depreciation of the vehicle and is therefore discriminatory and illegal. This highly criticized tax can sometimes reach crazy sums, much higher than the amount of the vehicle. In addition, Brussels has already fined Portugal for this tax which does not meet the European criteria for free movement of goods and people. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this court decision that may mark the end of the ISV tax in its current form.

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Portugal is known for its variety of activities. Indeed, these large wildernesses allow nature lovers to indulge in different hobbies. Fishing is a part of it and it is important to know your insurance obligations. As in other European countries, Portugal imposes a certain number of rules to be fulfilled in order to be able to engage in the practice of the fishing and drive a pleasure boat, that it is occasional for the leisure or professional. Every fisherman must be careful to be in good standing about insurance. Some fishermen are legally required to take out insurance to be able to fish. What compulsory insurance to subscribe to be able to fish ? What are the covers offered ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the different types of insurance for fishermen to fish safely.

Complete list and calendar of public and national holidays in Portugal in 2020

Complete list and calendar of public and national holidays in Portugal in 2020

It's time to prepare your agenda and plan your next holidays. At the beginning of the new year, you can now find out what are the mandatory public and national holidays in Portugal in 2020. The Portuguese legislation is very clear about national and public holidays and information on this subject is included in the Labor Code, more specifically in Article 234. It lists the days that are officially considered as mandatory national and public holidays and therefore must be respected as days of rest each year. You will have the possibility of planning long week-ends, extended holidays or simply public holidays. Lisbob will guide you through the 2020 calendar and you will find out what it has for you in terms of mandatory public and national holidays. What are the national and public holidays in Portugal in 2020 ? When can I plan my holidays ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you everything about the calendar of public and national holidays in 2020 in Portugal.