

How to receive more than 1,000 € at the end of your employment contract in Portugal (what companies are hiding from you)

How to receive more than 1,000 € at the end of your employment contract in Portugal (what companies are hiding from you)

The Portuguese labor code is complicated and sometimes contains secrets that few people know. Lisbob is the # 1 assistant for expats and its mission is to help you know all your rights and above all to know how to assert them. Portugal, like other European countries, offers workers a right to training which can, at the end of the working relationship, bring in several hundred euros. However, many companies play on not knowing this law so as not to have to pay this amount. Lisbob, the # 1 expatriate assistant, tells you all about this Portuguese labor law that could pay off.

Increase of minimum salary in Portugal in 2019 : 600 € gross per month due to lack of agreement on the minimum wage

Increase of minimum salary in Portugal in 2019 : 600 € gross per month due to lack of agreement on the minimum wage

Portuguese Labor Minister said on Monday (December 10th) that the Portuguese government "had kept its program" by raising the minimum wage to € 600 a month by 2019, justifying that it did not go further because of a lack consensus between unions and employers. Contrary to what the government announced some time ago, there will be no surprise about the increase of the minimum wage in Portugal. This will reach the gross monthly amount of 600 €. Officials see their salaries rise to € 635, the first increase since the wage freeze imposed in 2009. Why has the minimum wage not increased more? What decisions have been made regarding the Portuguese minimum salary ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about the minimum wage in Portugal in 2019.

Increase of the minimum wage in Portugal : the Portuguese Employers’ Union promises a "surprise" and an amount greater than 600 euros in 2019

Increase of the minimum wage in Portugal : the Portuguese Employers’ Union promises a "surprise" and an amount greater than 600 euros in 2019

In Portugal good surprises sometimes come from the bosses. The minimum wage is € 580 gross in 2018 in Portugal and this amount has seen several increases in recent years. At each discussion of the Portuguese State Budget, the workers 'and employers' unions negotiate and defend their interests and defend their work. But this year the CIP, the equivalent of the Employers’ Union in Portugal, could create a surprise by proposing an increase in the minimum wage beyond the expectations of all unions. Indeed, the boss of the CIP said that we should expect a surprise concerning the increase of the Portuguese minimum wage. What are these statements of the Portuguese Employers’ Union ? What is the proposed amount ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about raising the minimum wage in Portugal.

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

The Portuguese Parliament approved the new fiscal law 2018 that includes the end of the system of payment of the subsídios of Ferias and Natal spread over the year and this from January 1th. At the end of the year the net amount received will be the same but the effects for the first months of the year will be more or less important depending on your income and which option you choosed regarding subsídios. The net amount that you will receive at the end of January will be lower than last year (if you have opted for the spread of the payment of subsídios). This measure also applies to public employees and retirees in 2018.