The coronavirus outbreak is accelerating in Portugal with an additional 460 cases in 24 hours. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 2,060 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 23 deaths. 1,007 are in the northern region, 737 in the Lisbon region, 238 in the central region and 42 in the Algarve. The Azores have 11 cases, Madeira nine there are five confirmed cases in the Alentejo. Only 14 patients have so far completely recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.
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2,060 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 23 deaths in Portugal
The Portuguese Directorate General of Health (DGS) announced on Monday the existence of 23 deaths and 2,060 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal.
The number of deaths increased from 14 to 23 compared to the last DGS report yesterday, while the number of infected people increased from 1,600 to 2,060 , 460 more in 24 hours, an increase of 28.7% compared to to Sunday's data. A total of 201 patients are hospitalized, including 47 in intensive care units.
The northern region has the most infections, with a total of 1,007 cases (and nine deaths) - 182 more than Sunday. The Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region has 737 cases of infection and eight deaths and, in the Center, 238 patients have been diagnosed with covid-19 and five deaths recorded.
In the Algarve, there are 42 cases and one death; in Alentejo, there are five confirmed cases. The Azores have until Monday 11 cases and Madeira nine. There are also 11 infected people living abroad.
Situation of coronavirus outbreak in Portugal on 23/03 - Source: DGS
The growth in cases in Portugal on Sunday was 25% and the previous day 25.5%. Interviewed by the PUBLIC Graça Freitas said that "the curve behaved in a non-explosive manner", but that the flattening of the curve should not be mentioned. “Over three or four days, I would not dare to speak of flattening. We cannot let ourselves rest. "
The president of the Medical Association, Miguel Guimarães, said on Monday morning that there were doctors infected with the new coronavirus who were hospitalized in intensive care, without needing how much. Miguel Guimarães says that he has already asked the Director General of Health, Graça Freitas, to include the profession in the patient data, so that it is possible to assess the number of health professionals among people infected. College of Nurses president Ana Rita Cavaco said Friday that there were 16 infected nurses and 50 awaiting test results.