Like many European countries, Portugal is not immune to the coronavirus epidemic, and the economic effects are already being felt. In a country buoyed by tourism and an influx of foreign investment, containment has a strong impact on several sectors, and the self-employed are not spared. There are already companies that have already closed temporarily and, in some cases, permanently. Layoffs (temporary reduction of normal work periods or suspension of work contracts on the initiative of companies, ranging from one to six months) are in progress and clients are mostly postponing or cancelling new projects, otherwise the projects in progress. As a self-employed worker in Portugal, known as recibo verde, the uncertainty is even greater. Many are already suffering from the consequences of the pandemic. In view of this situation, the Portuguese government has taken measures to meet the needs of the self-employed. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, reveals the supports for the self-employed.
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Coronavirus: All special financial aids for self-employed workers and freelancers in Portugal
Protection of self-employed workers for assistance - Proteção para trabalhadores independentes por motivo de assistência
This is a measure applicable to the self-employed who must stay at home to accompany children under the age of 12 or people with disabilities, whose schools have been closed, and who cannot use telework.
Who can benefit?
Exclusive self-employed workers (and not retired) who have contributed to the Portuguese social security for at least 3 consecutive months in the last 12 months.
How to benefit from it?
Through the Portuguese social security website Segurança Social Direta;
- Choose the Perfil / Documentos de prova / TI - Reclamação option (a specific object for Covid-19 is not yet available);
- Fill in and submit your form which will be made available very soon (it is expected that it will be available by the end of March);
- Support is granted automatically at the request of the self-employed worker, as long as there is no other way to continue the activity, in particular by telework.
For how long?
Support will be granted during the school closing period, unless it coincides with the school holidays.
Amount of financial help:
- A third of the monthly tax base for the first quarter of 2020 (the contributory tax base corresponds to 70% of the gross income of the worker);
- Minimum limit value - 438.81 euros (value of the IAS - Social Support Index);
- Maximum limit value - 1097.03 euros (2.5 times the value of the IAS).
- If the school closing period is less than one month, the worker will receive the proportional amount;
- This aid cannot be granted simultaneously to both parents and is only granted once, regardless of the number of dependent children or dependents;
- This support cannot be granted either if one of the parents is working from home.
Check out all special financial aids for freelancers in Portugal
Protection of the self-employed in the event of cessation of activity - Proteção para trabalhadores independentes por motivo de paragem de atividade
This other aid is applicable to self-employed workers in Portugal on an exclusive basis who find themselves without work for reasons related to the pandemic of the new coronavirus (cessation of activity where they work, dismissal of the company where they provide services, etc. .).
Who can benefit?
Exclusive self-employed workers (and not retired) who have contributed to the Portuguese social security for at least 3 consecutive months in the last 12 months.
Have a justifiable situation of complete cessation of activity due to the new coronavirus.
How to benefit from it?
Through the Portuguese social security website Segurança Social Direta;
- Choose the Perfil / Documentos de prova / TI - Reclamação option (a specific object for Covid-19 is not yet available);
- Complete and submit the declaration:
o If you have simplified accounting select "Declaração do próprio, sob compromisso de honra";
o If you have organized accounting select "Declaração do contabilista certificado".
- Indicate your full name, your NISS (Portuguese social security number) and the NIF, as well as the date from which you found yourself without any activity.
For how long?
This support from the Portuguese state lasts for one month, renewable monthly up to a maximum of 6 months.
Amount of financial help:
- The amount of support corresponds to the amount of compensation recorded as the basis for monthly contributions, within the limit of an IAS (Social Support Index), ie 438.81 euros;
- The payment of the aid begins the month after that of the submission of the request.
The monthly contribution base corresponds to 70% of the worker's income. In this case, the income means the invoicing value of the freelancer, 70% of this amount being considered as the basis of the contributory tax.
Important notes:
- The submission of the quarterly social security declaration remains compulsory during the period when the self-employed person receives this aid;
- Compulsory contributions during the period when the self-employed worker receives assistance can be deferred but not canceled;
- These same deferred contributions must be paid from the second month following the end of the aid, and payment can be made in 12 months maximum, in monthly installments and in equal parts;
- The deferral of contributions and the monthly payment after the end of the aid must be requested through the Portuguese social security website;
- This support for the complete cessation of the activity cannot be combined with social protection for parents who must stay at home to support their children, whose schools have been closed.