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Living in Lisbojn

9 Administrative Procedures and Formalities to go to live in Portugal

9 Administrative Procedures and Formalities to go to live in Portugal

When expatriating to a new country, a certain number of administrative steps must be taken in order to fully settle in and become an expatriate. This is even more true in Portugal where different authorities issue different important documents, and where it is sometimes difficult to do the administrative steps in the right order. Procedures to become a resident, tax identification number, pet registration, car registration, there are many mandatory steps for those who want to live in Portugal and it is not easy to know how to live in Portugal and be in order. Moving to Portugal entails a number of obligations towards the various state bodies and it is important to comply with these obligations in order to avoid any problems. Any self-respecting expatriate must take these administrative steps in order to settle down fully. What are the administrative formalities and steps to complete to live in Portugal? How can I make sure that I am compliant and that I follow the steps to register to live in Portugal? I’m Lisbob, the expats assistant, and I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about the administrative steps to take when you decide to live in Portugal.

What are the expenses and charges deductible from income tax as a freelancer in Portugal ?

What are the expenses and charges deductible from income tax as a freelancer in Portugal ?

If you want to work as a self-employed entrepreneur in Portugal, then the choice between the simplified accounting regime and the organized accounting regime will come up at a certain moment. This is one of the most important criteria to consider when deciding as a self-employed worker : the deduction of expenses and charges related to your self-employment activity like internet, computer, meals or even Uber ride. Indeed, the choice of accounting when you work as a freelancer in Portugal influences the tax base, in other words the amount of tax to be paid. What are the deductible expenses as a self-employed worker ? What are the charges to be deducted when working as freelancer in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant tells you all about the deductible expenses for self-entrepreneurs in Portugal.

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

You made the decision to come live and work as a freelancer in Portugal? As a self-entrepreneur there are certain obligations that you must respect in terms of insurance. The subject may seem nebulous when one does not know Portuguese language and legislation but it is important to know your obligations as a freelancer in Portugal. What are the compulsory insurance as a self-employed person in Portugal? Do I have to take a professional multi-risk for my auto-entrepreneur activity? Lisbob, the expats assistant in Portugal tells you everything.

Portugal launches a Cartão de Cidadão for expats living in Portugal as part of the Simplex + 2018

Portugal launches a Cartão de Cidadão for expats living in Portugal as part of the Simplex + 2018

The Portuguese government will launch, as part of the Simplex + 2018, a new "card of citizenship" (cartão de cidadão) for foreigners residing in Portugal, which will include tax identification, social security and the national health system. A small revolution is preparing for expatriates living in Portugal. Until now as a foreigner it was necessary to report to the different administrations (Finanças, Segurança social and SNS) in order to register, the services not communicating with each other. It will now be a thing of the past as expatriates will now be able to apply for a cartão de cidadão specifically for foreigners living in Portugal. What are the characteristics of this citizenship card for foreigners ? Where will it be possible to register for it ? How to get Cart de Cidadão for expats ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistor in Portugal, tells you all about the new cartão de cidadão for expatriates living in Portugal.

How to choose between simplified and organized accounting as freelancer in Portugal

How to choose between simplified and organized accounting as freelancer in Portugal

When making the decision to become a self-employed entrepreneur or freelancer in Portugal you will have to choose between two types of accounting: simplified accounting and organized accounting. Indeed in Portugal there are two ways to present your numbers to Finance and the choice of it has an importance on the amount of your profits as a self-entrepreneur at the end of the year. What are the differences between simplified accounting and organized accounting? How to make the best choice and increase profits? Bob, the Expat Assistant in Portugal tells you everything about accounting as a freelancer.

Ponte 25 de Abril: Emergency work for serious cracks known for 3 years

Ponte 25 de Abril: Emergency work for serious cracks known for 3 years

Researchers at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) have warned the government for several months the extreme urgency and need for structural work on Ponte 25 de Abril. To live in Portugal is also to take the most emblematic bridge that connects the Lisbon and Setubal regions. Indeed, confidential documents have reached the Visão magazine and indicate the severity of the cracks on Portugal's most heavily used bridge. What does the report say about the urgency of works on Ponte 25 de Abril? What are the measures taken to avoid the worst? Bob, the Expatriate Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything.