
live in portugal

Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

If you make the decision to live in Portugal, then you may have to hire house staff. Unfortunately, it is not unusual that these activities are not declared. This is of course illegal, because any paid activity must be registered with the relevant authorities. It is also dangerous for the concerned employees because they are exposed to difficult situations in the event of illness, loss of employment or work accident. Fraudulent employers may face heavy fines and can even be sentenced to imprisonment. It is therefore strongly recommended, for the well-being of all, to declare your employees to the competent authorities.Personal care services are quite developed in Portugal: taking care of your home, your parents, your children, your garden or even you is a common practice. There are, however, rules to follow if you decide to call in domestic staff. The hiring of personal care professionals in Portugal must be done in accordance with the law. What are the compulsory insurances for house staff in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about personal assistance.

What are the expenses and charges deductible from income tax as a freelancer in Portugal ?

What are the expenses and charges deductible from income tax as a freelancer in Portugal ?

If you want to work as a self-employed entrepreneur in Portugal, then the choice between the simplified accounting regime and the organized accounting regime will come up at a certain moment. This is one of the most important criteria to consider when deciding as a self-employed worker : the deduction of expenses and charges related to your self-employment activity like internet, computer, meals or even Uber ride. Indeed, the choice of accounting when you work as a freelancer in Portugal influences the tax base, in other words the amount of tax to be paid. What are the deductible expenses as a self-employed worker ? What are the charges to be deducted when working as freelancer in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant tells you all about the deductible expenses for self-entrepreneurs in Portugal.

List of the 10 largest expats communities in Portugal : + 16.7% British in 2017

List of the 10 largest expats communities in Portugal : + 16.7% British in 2017

The number of people who decided to live in Portugal increased by 6% in 2017 compared to 2016, totaling 421,711. Italian and French citizens show the strongest growth of last year and include the top 10 expat communities in Portugal, according to a report by the SEF. This Portuguese Immigration, Borders and Asylum (RIFA) Report for the year 2017, which Bob had access to, provides a clear picture of immigration to Portugal. Despite what one might think France and Italy are very far from being among the largest expatriate communities living in Portugal. What is the ranking of the 10 largest expatriate communities living in Portugal? What is the share of different countries in this top 10 ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the 10 largest expat communities in Portugal in 2017.

Abortion : All about voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Portugal ( Where ? When ? How ? )

Abortion : All about voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Portugal ( Where ? When ? How ? )

Portugal is a country for whom abortion was illegal until 1984. After some minor changes in the law, it was not until 2007, and after a national referendum, that the law was passed. included the possibility of interruption of pregnancy at the request of the Woman. What are the rights of women regarding abortion in Portugal? Where to go and how to practice? Bob, the Personal Assistant of those who live in Lisbon and Portugal tells you all about voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Portugal.

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

For most people who choose to move to Portugal, registering their vehicle is often part of the process. As often during an expatriation, things are not so simple! Indeed, if you have the right to move to Portugal with your favorite vehicle, you also have rules to respect when you register your car if you want to not pay huge ISV tax. Indeed, some people think that legalising a car in Portugal is an easy task, but they discover quickly that it is by far one of the most difficult and complicated thing to do when you go to live in Portugal. A dirty engine, a bit too optimistic on the time needed by portuguese authorities to check documents, there are lot of mistakes and trap that you need to avoid if you want to import you car and ask for ISV tax exemption. In order to import your vehicle to Portugal it is necessary to avoid mistakes that can be fatal. What are the 5 mistakes to avoid when legalising your car in Portugal ? What are the pitfalls to avoid when importing a vehicle ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you the 5 mistakes you should not make when registering your vehicle in Portugal.

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

You made the decision to come live and work as a freelancer in Portugal? As a self-entrepreneur there are certain obligations that you must respect in terms of insurance. The subject may seem nebulous when one does not know Portuguese language and legislation but it is important to know your obligations as a freelancer in Portugal. What are the compulsory insurance as a self-employed person in Portugal? Do I have to take a professional multi-risk for my auto-entrepreneur activity? Lisbob, the expats assistant in Portugal tells you everything.

Complete list of all natural and organic stores in Lisbon

Complete list of all natural and organic stores in Lisbon

Living in Portugal is often synonymous with good meals, but the question of the quality of food often comes back when one speaks of expatriation in Portugal. The country has a long tradition of agriculture and organic food is already well developed especially in Lisbon. Portuguese supermarkets are starting to have organic products on their display but some people are looking for real organic shops also specialized in natural products. Bob, the Expats Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, has prepared for you a map with the complete list of all organic and natural stores in Lisbon.

How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

When it's time to make the decision to come to live and work in Portugal, topics such as real wages and purchasing power come back regularly. Calculating net take-home pay in Portugal is a different exercise than in other countries and it is important to know it in advance in order to live serenely. If you are planning to come to work in Portugal then this article is for you. What is the average salary in Lisbon and other cities? How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything.

Weather: Six districts on orange alert in Portugal, snow in the mountains

Weather: Six districts on orange alert in Portugal, snow in the mountains

Weather conditions have worsened in Portugal and the authorities have decided to move some districts on orange alert. Indeed the districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be on orange alert and this in the morning, due to sometimes strong and persistent rain, according to IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and of the atmosphere). The districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be under the orange alert in the morning, due to periods of heavy and persistent rains, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Sea. 'atmosphere. The orange alert level, the second most serious, will take effect in the districts of Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon and Portalegre between 09:00 and 18:00 and in Guarda and Castelo Branco between 12:00 and 21:00. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this wet and cool weather.

How to choose between simplified and organized accounting as freelancer in Portugal

How to choose between simplified and organized accounting as freelancer in Portugal

When making the decision to become a self-employed entrepreneur or freelancer in Portugal you will have to choose between two types of accounting: simplified accounting and organized accounting. Indeed in Portugal there are two ways to present your numbers to Finance and the choice of it has an importance on the amount of your profits as a self-entrepreneur at the end of the year. What are the differences between simplified accounting and organized accounting? How to make the best choice and increase profits? Bob, the Expat Assistant in Portugal tells you everything about accounting as a freelancer.

Pollution of the Tagus: thousands of dead fish and an investigation in progress

Pollution of the Tagus: thousands of dead fish and an investigation in progress

The Secretary of State for the Portuguese Environment said today that those responsible for the appearance of white foam on the Tejo (Tagus), in the Abrantes region, are still unknown, and that "all measures taken are just a precaution. "This event follows the thousands of dead fish in the Tagus a few months ago. Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.