To visit Lisbon is also to take advantage of the many activities that the capital of Portugal proposes, like to listen to fado for example, the typical music of Portugal. Whether you are an expatriate or tourist there are some activities not to be missed: a list of essential things to do in Lisbon and Portugal. The visits and activities in Lisbon are now original and different, and the choice is not lacking. Among all these activities to do when visiting Lisbon, Lisbob has chosen to talk about a more than traditional activity: attend a concert and listen to Fado. In fact, restaurants and Fado concert halls have always been present in Lisbon, but the practical information is sometimes not clear. Where to listen to Fado in Lisbon? How to book and attend a Fado concert? What is the price of a fado concert in Lisbon? Lisbob has gathered for you everything you need to know about fado concerts so that your stay in Lisbon is as good as possible.
The Lisbon City Council wants to charge a fee of one euro for each taxi service at the airport
The city of Lisbon wants to pay a tax of one euro to each taxi driver going to the airport Humberto Delgado to improve access to the latter but also the portfolio of the City Council, says the Jornal Economico in his printed edition. According to the Portuguese daily, the issue is being discussed in the negotiations on the new passenger car access regulation at Lisbon airport. The objective according to the City Council is to ensure the sustainability of the management of taxi places in the Portuguese capital. The president of the Lisbon taxi trade union, Antral, says that "the Lisbon City Council already receives 600,000 euros a year to manage areas dedicated to Lisbon taxis". This new tax would obviously be passed on to customers who would take a taxi from or to Lisbon airport. Where are the discussions? Why introduce this new tax of one euro? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new tax of one euro.
10 official and definitive stats of the real estate market in Portugal in 2018
The National Institute of Statistics of Portugal INE has published the official and definitive figures of the Portuguese real estate market for 2018. More and more real estate are sold and for higher and higher values. Lisbon continues to shine in the real estate market, but last year, the palm of the region with the fastest growth was the Alentejo. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), prices have risen for the last 5 consecutive years, but they are starting to show signs of slowing down. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, gathered the ten official and definitive figures of the Portuguese real estate market in 2018.
All about the new rental contract with life lease in Portugal
Portugal has introduced a new law on the right to housing and has introduced a new type of lease: the life contract. Indeed this new law of the right to sustainable housing makes it possible to conclude contracts of housing for life between owners and tenants. In practice, the real right to sustainable housing functions as a tenancy agreement that lasts until the tenant dies. But this implies compliance with other obligations that the "conventional" lease does not provide. This new type of lease for life allows for some stability but also entails new obligations on the part of the tenant and the owner. What are the terms of the lease for life? How does the lease with life lease in Portugal work? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the lease for life.
The 2nd largest shark in the world filmed along the coast of Sesimbra in Portugal
Portugal is known for visiting many species such as dolphins, but it is also sometimes sharks that come to discover the Portuguese coastline. Indeed, a large basking shark, the 2nd largest species in the world, was seen this Saturday in Sesimbra, during a boat trip from the Dive Club Cipreia, more exactly on their return to the marina. This rare moment of extreme beauty has been captured in video. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this meeting with the second largest fish in the world, the basking shark.
List of speed radar controls in Portugal in March 2019
Here is the list of speed radar controls in Portugal for the month of March 2019. Maybe you didn’t know but when you live in Portugal you can know in advance where will be proceed speed controls. LisBob reminds you that this list is not exhaustive and that the Portuguese police can obviously proceed to surprise controls on any road. In addition, even without speed control, do not exceed the limits indicated on the road ! Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, shares the list of speed control with radar on the roads of Portugal for the month of March 2019. Let’s go !
Novo Banco loses 1.4 billion euros again and all taxpayers in Portugal will have to pay : 140 € per person
Novo Banco is the "new bank", named after the bankruptcy of the BES, Banco Espirito Santo a few years ago and continues to plague the accounts of Portugal and Portuguese. Indeed BES no longer exists since 2014 but its "new bank" comes losses of 1.4 billion euros and calls for resolution fund under the equity mechanism. More than half of this amount results from losses recorded in problematic assets inherited from the BES, and more than 350 million euros are due to regulatory requirements. But when Novo Banco loses money, all Portuguese taxpayers have to pay. Indeed the Resolution Fund is a fund powered by public money. In total, each Portuguese taxpayer will contribute € 140 to save the Novo Banco again. How will Portugal's finances be impacted? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new loss of Novo Banco.
Rare night of violence in Portugal : burnt cars, rubbed bullets and policemen attacked with molotov cocktails
Damaged cars, burned garbage cans and a team of PSP attacked with Molotov cocktails that replicate with rubber bullets : it is the night just passed Portugal, reputed yet quiet. The Portuguese police do not link these disorders to the events that took place last week in Seixal and created controversy. Nor does it relate to the unrest that took place at Avenida da Liberdade in central Lisbon on Monday. While the movement of the Yellow Vests does not really take in Portugal, the suburbs seem to wake up after the muscled arrest of a woman in Seixal, Bairro da Jamaica. Without talking about riots, the police molotov attacks are quite rare in a country that is known to be rather peaceful and calm. Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you more about the troubles that are currently taking place in some Portuguese cities.
New Airport Lisbon - Montijo confirmed : opening in 2022
Portugal has signed today the confirmation of the construction of the Lisbon - Montijo airport and its opening is scheduled for 2022. The company ANA, which manages the Portuguese airports, has signed an agreement for an amount of 1 , 15 billion euros until 2028. The agreement signed this Tuesday on the extension of the airport capacity of Lisbon, divides the opinion and took time to decide. What will the new airport of Lisbon - Montijo look like ? When will he open ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about the confirmation of the new Lisbon - Montijo airport with an opening scheduled for 2022.
New emergency identification card for expats and tourists in Portugal
In order to improve communication with authorities and emergency medical services, Safe Communities Portugal has developed an emergency identification card for tourists and foreign residents in Portugal, but it can also be used by every Portuguese citizen. While awaiting the Cartão de Cidadão for expats, this emergency identification card does not replace an official identification document, but it is nevertheless a document that contains useful information for the emergency rescue teams, such as the medications the person is taking, the allergies they have or the important diseases. In addition, information on the authorities of the citizens' countries of origin as well as emergency contact appear on this free and useful map. What is the new emergency identification card for expatriates and tourists in Portugal ? How to get it? LisBob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you everything about this new map dedicated to expats or tourists.
Cost of living in Portugal in 2020 : 10 things that will become more or less expensive
2020 arrived and with it a general increase in prices and the cost of living in Portugal, which will affect several sectors ranging from food to tobacco through tolls. This increase in the cost of living in Portugal is the consequence of the increase in taxes, inflation, minimum wage and the price index which are assessed by the Portuguese government each year. The price of rents, cell phone plans as well as public transport passes are increasing for this new year 2020 in Portugal and it will be necessary to take this into account when calculating its budget to live in Portugal. Other expenses are down, especially for electricity, and some remain stable. What price increases are planned for 2020? What will be the cost of living in Portugal in 2020? Lisbob, the expat assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the 10 things that will become more expensive in Portugal in 2020.
Increase of minimum salary in Portugal in 2019 : 600 € gross per month due to lack of agreement on the minimum wage
Portuguese Labor Minister said on Monday (December 10th) that the Portuguese government "had kept its program" by raising the minimum wage to € 600 a month by 2019, justifying that it did not go further because of a lack consensus between unions and employers. Contrary to what the government announced some time ago, there will be no surprise about the increase of the minimum wage in Portugal. This will reach the gross monthly amount of 600 €. Officials see their salaries rise to € 635, the first increase since the wage freeze imposed in 2009. Why has the minimum wage not increased more? What decisions have been made regarding the Portuguese minimum salary ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about the minimum wage in Portugal in 2019.
Demonstration of the Yellow Vests in Portugal this Friday, December 21 : 90% of the police force mobilized and many people expected
We no longer present the movement of Yellow Vests, born in France and multiple claims. The distinctive sign of the protesters and the wearing of the safety vest, a mandatory accessory in cars all over Europe. The movement is internationalized recently and it arrives in Portugal this Friday, December 21, 2018. Their name: Coletes Amarelos. Even if apparently Portugal is a quiet country, the PSP (Public Security Police) has canceled all the leave and rest of these officers and expects a very large number of protesters, and even speaks of chaos with calls to block the 25 Abril Bridge. How is the Yellow Vests demonstration in Portugal ? How is the police preparing for these gatherings that are difficult to apprehend ? LisBob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the arrival of the Yellow Vests in Portugal.
Weather: Six districts on orange alert in Portugal, snow in the mountains
Weather conditions have worsened in Portugal and the authorities have decided to move some districts on orange alert. Indeed the districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be on orange alert and this in the morning, due to sometimes strong and persistent rain, according to IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and of the atmosphere). The districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be under the orange alert in the morning, due to periods of heavy and persistent rains, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Sea. 'atmosphere. The orange alert level, the second most serious, will take effect in the districts of Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon and Portalegre between 09:00 and 18:00 and in Guarda and Castelo Branco between 12:00 and 21:00. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this wet and cool weather.
5.2 magnitude earthquake off Peniche in Portugal : shocks felt up to Lisbon
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale was recorded off Peniche this Thursday, November 1, 2018. The earthquake was felt in the municipality of Figueira da Foz and in several localities of the districts of Porto, Braga , Coimbra, Leiria and even Lisbon. According to information from IPMA, the earthquake caused neither material damage nor material damage. The epicenter was about 480 kilometers west of Peniche. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this 5.2 earthquake on the Richter scale in Portugal.
Weather forecast : cold, wind and snow wave in Portugal
If you live in Portugal, you have to bring out the big jackets. The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) has unveiled its forecasts for the coming days and the least we can say is that summer is beautiful and finished well. Indeed a sharp fall in temperatures is expected throughout Portugal and will also affect other European countries. A cold air mass coming from Iceland is responsible for this rather cool weather for a last weekend of October. Wind, cold but also snow! What is the weather forecast for Portugal? Bob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.
New regulations on rentals in Portugal : a minimum duration of one year and tenants better protected
If you live in Portugal and especially in Lisbon, then you know that it is becoming more and more difficult to find accommodation. However, Portugal seems to have taken the measure and helps tenants by protecting the duration of the contracts and the end of them. The Portuguese Parliament approved a measure proposed by the Socialist Party (PS), which provides for a minimum duration of one year for housing rental. Even contracts signed for a shorter period now have a minimum contract of one year. Portugal has been on the offensive for some time to protect the long-term rental of residents of Portuguese cities, such as Lisbon and Porto. The recent slowdown at Alojamento Local is not the only measure implemented to protect the inhabitants. This new law establishes a minimum duration of 12 months for any rental contract. What does this new measure imply ? What does this new regulation say about long-term leasing ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new law on leasing.
Lisbon Subway strike this Thursday, October 18th : no minimum service because "there are other means of transport"
If you live in Lisbon and take public transport then get ready for this Thursday morning. Indeed a partial strike of workers of the Lisbon subway is scheduled for Thursday morning and chaos is ensured for all those who use the metropolitan Lisbon every day. No minimum service will be provided for the traffic, according to the decision of the arbitral tribunal rendered Tuesday. This is justified by the existence of "other means of transport" and the "right of movement" of users. This strike will cause a total shutdown of the network between 06h and 09h30. What are the demands of this strike on the Lisbon subway ? How will users be impacted? Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about the Lisbon subway strike on Thursday 17 October 2018.
Hurricane Alert in Portugal : Leslie heads straight for Lisbon region with gusts of 170 km/h and waves of 12 meters high
Portugal and especially Lisbon are on the alert with the arrival of a hurricane category 1 named Leslie. This new hurricane is currently evolving on the eastern part of the Atlantic northwest of the Canary Islands. Leslie is a category 1 hurricane. It is heading east at a speed of 52 km / h. The estimated pressure is 971 hPa. Average winds are around 140 km / h, wind gusts can approach 170 km / h and expected waves will reach 12 meters in height. A weather alert for bad weather and strong winds has been issued for Lisbon from this Saturday 12h. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about Leslie, the hurricane that will hit Lisbon this weekend.
Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move
If you have made the decision to live in Portugal, your expatriation will necessarily go through a move. Leaving your country and moving to Portugal can become a brain teaser if you are unprepared and if you do not know which trusted carrier to turn to. The organisation of a move from United-Kingdom or another country to Portugal must be done with preparation and certain precautions must be taken. Indeed, moving to another country is not easy if you are not prepared. How to prepare for your move ? What are the precautions to take to move from your country to Portugal ? How to move to Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about moving serenely to Portugal.