
How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

When it's time to make the decision to come to live and work in Portugal, topics such as real wages and purchasing power come back regularly. Calculating net take-home pay in Portugal is a different exercise than in other countries and it is important to know it in advance in order to live serenely. If you are planning to come to work in Portugal then this article is for you. What is the average salary in Lisbon and other cities? How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything.

Do I have to pay the ISV tax to legalize my vehicle in Portugal?

Do I have to pay the ISV tax to legalize my vehicle in Portugal?

If you decide to come to live in Portugal then you will probably ask the question of the registration of your foreign vehicle. Portugal protects its domestic market and imposes very high import taxes : some expats have to pay of up to 5 digits. In some cases you can apply to be exempt from tax but these are not clear according to the sources. Some people say 6 months, some people say 12 months, some people are talking about old cars or brand new one : let Lisbob analyse the situation. Do I have to pay the ISV tax to legalize my foreign vehicle in Portugal ? Lisbob, the Expats Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal has created a free tool to check if you can benefit from the ISV tax exemption.

Miradors of Lisbon : list of the 7 most beautiful points of view to visit in the Portuguese capital and walking route

Miradors of Lisbon : list of the 7 most beautiful points of view to visit in the Portuguese capital and walking route

When you come to visit Lisbon you must visit its miradors. The historic center of Lisbon is established on seven hills. When you admire Lisbon from a mirador, you have the impression of being suspended above the city, outside the time and tumults of city life. These panoramas are captivating and really relaxing. Over time, small squares have been built to enjoy a breathtaking view of the Portuguese capital: they are called miradouros, or watchtowers and through them visits Lisbon. When you look at the panorama offered by miradors, your perspective on the city changes, to the delight of the eyes and the senses. In order to make your life easier, we have created and shared with you a walking itinerary of the 7 most beautiful points of view of Lisbon. What are the must-see sights of the Portuguese capital? Lisbob, your assistant in Portugal, has prepared the list of the most beautiful viewpoints of Lisbon and a walking route to be able to contemplate everything.

Top 9 of the best accessible & wheelchair-friendly beaches for disabled in Portugal

Top 9 of the best accessible & wheelchair-friendly beaches for disabled in Portugal

In recent years, the number of beaches accessible to people with reduced mobility or wheelchair-friendly has increased in Portugal. Today there are a total of 188 beaches and bathing areas capable of accommodating a public with mobility difficulties, so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of Portuguese beaches. Some also have the necessary equipment so that people with reduced mobility can swim and practice other activities. What are the best beaches accessible to people with reduced mobility? Where are the seaside areas open to the disabled? LisBob, the expat assistant, has prepared a complete list of the best accessible & wheelchair-friendly beaches for disabled in Portugal.

How to file and submit your online IRS income tax return in Portugal, step by step

How to file and submit your online IRS income tax return in Portugal, step by step

Since few years the IRS income tax declaration is entirely online in Portugal. The automatic IRS option is undoubtedly an option that greatly facilitates this obligation since it allows you to validate your declaration in a few clicks. If you want, you can trust fiscal authorities and let the declaration fill in automatically : you will just have to validate the declaration at the end of the process. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about how to complete your automatic IRS tax return online, step by step. Because the sooner you validate and submit your return, the sooner you will receive a refund if you are entitled to it.

Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned

Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned

The good weather has already arrived in Portugal and the temperatures are also rising. The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) has just released its forecast bulletin: temperatures will reach in places up to 37ºC in broad daylight, and the nights will also be hot with values ​​above 20ºC. The IPMA announces that these nights will be "tropical" and recalls the measures to be taken in the event of high heat. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this heat wave and its tropical nights.

Lisbon wins "best European airport" award according to ACI Europe

Lisbon wins "best European airport" award according to ACI Europe

Certainly, covid-19 will have changed a lot of things, and this news will put some balm in the hearts of the Portuguese. While Lisbon airport is regularly cited among the least ranked in Europe and even in the world, ACI Europe has just awarded it the prize for the best airport in Europe in the category of airports which operate between 25 and 40 million passengers. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new international recognition for Portuguese tourism.

Mandatory vaccination passport to go to a restaurant or a hotel in Portugal, Porto and the Algarve are falling into deconfinement

Mandatory vaccination passport to go to a restaurant or a hotel in Portugal, Porto and the Algarve are falling into deconfinement

With an increase in the number of cases, the Portuguese authorities have decided that Porto, Faro, Braga, Setubal and other Portuguese municipalities must step back into deconfinement and have the same rules that apply to the capital Lisbon. The measures include time and capacity restrictions for shops and restaurants. The big news of the week is now the obligation to present the vaccination passport or a negative test in order to be able to go to the hotel or to the restaurant! Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about this new measure.

Return of the curfew in 45 municipalities in Portugal including Lisbon, Porto and Faro

Return of the curfew in 45 municipalities in Portugal including Lisbon, Porto and Faro

As every week, the Portuguese health authorities announced the new measures. After the ban on entering or leaving the capital city on weekends, then the establishment of an exception for holders of vaccination passports, it is now the return of the curfew that has been announced. It will be in place from 11 p.m. in 45 municipalities that are at high and very high risk, including Faro, Lisbon, Braga and Porto. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about this new measure and the municipalities concerned.

Portugal elected best country for expats in Europe, 5th in the world

Portugal elected best country for expats in Europe, 5th in the world

As every year, the InterNations website unveils the results of its survey in order to find out the best destinations for expats. Portugal arrives this year in 5th place globally, while the country was still 3rd in 2020. Despite this decline in a pandemic year, Portugal remains the best country in Europe for expats, especially for quality of life , but the weak point of the country remains the work. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the ranking of the best countries for expats.

New lockdown from next week in Portugal, schools remain open

New lockdown from next week in Portugal, schools remain open

While Portugal has recorded its worst day in terms of coronavirus-related deaths since the start of the pandemic, a return to lockdown on the same model as that of April 2020 is more than likely and this from next Tuesday, like the confirmed the Minister of Economy Pedro Siza Vieira. Indeed the Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa was this Friday in a meeting with the different parties to discuss other measures to be applied, from the closure of non-food businesses and restaurants, to the opening of schools or the postponement of the elections. presidential. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the likely comeback of lockdown in Portugal.

Minimum wage will rise to 665 euros gross per month in Portugal in 2021

Minimum wage will rise to 665 euros gross per month in Portugal in 2021

The Portuguese government confirmed on Wednesday its intention to increase the national minimum wage by 30 euros, currently 635 euros gross monthly, in order to bring it to 665 euros. This increase is lower than that which took place in 2020 (+35 euros), but remains in line with Antonio Costa's goal of raising the minimum wage to 750 euros gross per month at the end of his mandate. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the increase in the Portuguese minimum wage.

New state of emergency in Portugal: 113 counties at very high risk

New state of emergency in Portugal: 113 counties at very high risk

In order to combat the coronavirus epidemic, the Portuguese authorities announced an extension of the state of emergency, which will be in effect between 00:00 on 9th and 11:59 p.m. on 23rd December, and which will surely be extended until at least January 7th. In addition, 113 Portuguese counties are now listed as areas with stricter rules. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the extension of the state of emergency and the rules of the 113 counties involved.

Covid-19: Find out the priority groups and the dates of the vaccination phases in Portugal

Covid-19: Find out the priority groups and the dates of the vaccination phases in Portugal

Portugal has just unveiled the approximate schedule and the different priority groups for the covid-19 vaccination campaign. The vaccine will begin to be administered in early January and in the worst-case scenario, it may take four months to vaccinate the first priority group, with nearly a million Portuguese. The logistics plan remains to be defined and will be a challenge for Portugal. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the priority groups and the dates of the vaccination phases in Portugal.

Porto voted best "small town" in the world to live in 2020

Porto voted best "small town" in the world to live in 2020

Porto is regularly cited for its quality of life and its international reputation is well established. The second largest city in Portugal has just stood out again by being classified as the best “small town” in the world to live there and according to the magazine Le Monocle. The city Invicta was 9th in 2019 and therefore shows good progress. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new distinction for Porto.

All measures in place for Christmas and New Year's Eve in Portugal

All measures in place for Christmas and New Year's Eve in Portugal

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Cost has just unveiled the measures that will be in place during the holiday season to fight the coronavirus epidemic, and these are proving to be less stringent than in other European countries. These measures are framed by the state of emergency, which will be in effect between midnight on 9th and 11.59 p.m. on December 23rd, and which will surely be extended until at least January 7st. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the measures in place for Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Portugal.

Red alert for Lisbon and Leiria: 14-meter waves expected

Red alert for Lisbon and Leiria: 14-meter waves expected

The IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere) has issued a red alert bulletin for the districts of Lisbon te Leiria and the rest of the coastal districts will also be affected by an orange swell alert. Outdoor activities are strongly discouraged. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about this red weather alert in Portugal.

Lisbon third best city in the world for expats

Lisbon third best city in the world for expats

Lisbon is regularly cited for its quality of life and its international reputation is well established. The Portuguese capital has just stood out again by being ranked as the third best city in the world for expats and according to the “Expat City Ranking 2020” ranking which compared 66 cities from all over the world. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new distinction for Lisbon.

New state of emergency measures in Portugal, 4 levels of risk and wearing a compulsory mask at work

New state of emergency measures in Portugal, 4 levels of risk and wearing a compulsory mask at work

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced on Saturday, November 21st new measures in the context of the state of emergency which has just been extended until at least December 8th. Among these measures, the ban on moving between municipalities during the two long weekends in December or the creation of 4 levels of risk with different measures and the obligation to wear a mask at work. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the new state of emergency measures in Portugal.

Clashes between owners and police against anti-covid measures in Porto

Clashes between owners and police against anti-covid measures in Porto

Portugal was about to start its first weekend of curfew and Porto was the scene of clashes between police officers and professionals in the restaurant, hotel and nightlife sectors, as the latter protested against the anti-covid measures put in place by the government. Throwing bottles at the police, setting fire to the coffin to symbolize their death, arrest: the clashes were not easy, a sign that anger is also brewing in Portugal. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about these clashes between police officers and restaurateurs in Porto against anti-covid measures.