
A strange streak of bright spots spotted in the Lisbon sky

A strange streak of bright spots spotted in the Lisbon sky

It’s a more than strange phenomenon that happened this Sunday, April 19. Those who could see the sky during this period of confinement could observe a trail of aligned light points. Several witnesses took pictures of what appears to be a UFO colony. Photos taken from the Greater Lisbon region or even Margem Sul have invaded social networks. The explanation? It’s the constellation of Elon Musk’s Starlink mini satellites. Their luminosity means that they can be observed when it is already dark on earth. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about this strange streak of light spots spotted in the sky of Lisbon.

138 people infected with coronavirus in a youth hostel in Lisbon

138 people infected with coronavirus in a youth hostel in Lisbon

The coronavirus epidemic is not sparing the Portuguese capital, and it is a major source of contamination which has just been discovered. Indeed, the Aykibom Hostel, located on Morais Soares street in Lisbon, has just been evacuated after 138 people were diagnosed as infected with coronavirus. The 170 occupants of the youth hostel were evacuated and the operation required the intervention of more than 100 police, translators and medical personnel. All the occupants of the hostel are refugees, who have been evacuated to the Lisbon Mosque for treatment. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about these coronavirus outbreaks in Lisbon.

Portugal recorded excess mortality in March, but not due to coronavirus

Portugal recorded excess mortality in March, but not due to coronavirus

The Portuguese Directorate General for Health (DGS) has launched an investigation into the excess mortality recorded in March of this year in Portugal. Indeed, the figures speak for themselves and the excess mortality (number of deaths above an average in recent years) was particularly pronounced in March compared to certain years. At first glance it could be a simple consequence of the coronavirus epidemic, but it is not. In addition, this excess mortality also affects the elderly. This could explain the relatively low mortality rate (2%) of the coronavirus in Portugal compared to other countries, but does not explain this excess mortality. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this investigation launched by the DGS in order to identify the causes of this peak in mortality.

Impressive waterspouts in Sesimbra and Viana do Castelo

Impressive waterspouts in Sesimbra and Viana do Castelo

A waterspout is a column of air mixed with water rotating over a body of water, forming a small tornado. This impressive phenomenon is rather rare but it has been spotted twice in Portugal: in Sesimbra and in Viana do Castelo. The images of these waterspouts toured social networks. Although the phenomenon is not usual, IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere) had warned of their possible arrival. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about these waterspouts.

How to benefit from the moratorium on real estate loans in Portugal?

How to benefit from the moratorium on real estate loans in Portugal?

In order to mitigate the economic effects of the crisis linked to the coronavirus pandemic, Portugal has put in place mechanisms which in particular allow individuals to benefit from a moratorium on mortgage loans. Individuals must, electronically or physically, send the lending institution a declaration of adherence to the application of the moratorium signed by the borrower and accompanied by documentation proving the regularity of the tax situation of the person making the request. The decree-law of March 27, published within the framework of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, establishes exceptional measures for the protection of households for the credit for clean and permanent housing, measures which will be in effect until 30 September 2020. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything to benefit from the moratorium on mortgage loans.

15,472 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 435 deaths in Portugal, highest increase ever with 1,516 cases in 24 hours

15,472 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 435 deaths in Portugal, highest increase ever with 1,516 cases in 24 hours

The coronavirus epidemic is accelerating in Portugal with an additional 1,516 cases in 24 hours, the largest increase since the start of the epidemic. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 15,472 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 435 deaths. 8,897 are in the northern region, 3,821 in the Lisbon region, 2,197 in the central region and 279 in the Algarve. The Azores have 94 cases, Madeira 59 there are 125 confirmed cases in the Alentejo. 140 patients have so far completely recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

5 employees of Teleperformance Lisbon infected with coronavirus, management accused to hide facts for several days

5 employees of Teleperformance Lisbon infected with coronavirus, management accused to hide facts for several days

The inevitable happened. Call centers are not affected by the economic downturn and the thousands of Portuguese and expatriate employees are forced to continue working, some going to the office. 5 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the Teleperformance cell center in Lisbon. The unions accuse management of having concealed the fact for several days and above all of continuing to make employees work in poor conditions. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

7,743 confirmed cases of coronavirus, 160 deaths and no cured since March 26 in Portugal

7,743 confirmed cases of coronavirus, 160 deaths and no cured since March 26 in Portugal

The coronavirus epidemic continues in Portugal with an additional 1,035 cases in 24 hours. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 7,743 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 160 deaths. 4,452 are in the northern region, 1,799 in the Lisbon region, 911 in the central region and 137 in the Algarve. The Azores have 48 cases, Madeira 46 there are 50 confirmed cases in the Alentejo. So far, only 43 patients have fully recovered from the coronavirus, no cure since March 26. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

Coronavirus: All special financial aids for self-employed workers and freelancers in Portugal

Coronavirus: All special financial aids for self-employed workers and freelancers in Portugal

Like many European countries, Portugal is not immune to the coronavirus epidemic, and the economic effects are already being felt. In a country buoyed by tourism and an influx of foreign investment, containment has a strong impact on several sectors, and the self-employed are not spared. There are already companies that have already closed temporarily and, in some cases, permanently. Layoffs (temporary reduction of normal work periods or suspension of work contracts on the initiative of companies, ranging from one to six months) are in progress and clients are mostly postponing or cancelling new projects, otherwise the projects in progress. As a self-employed worker in Portugal, known as recibo verde, the uncertainty is even greater. Many are already suffering from the consequences of the pandemic. In view of this situation, the Portuguese government has taken measures to meet the needs of the self-employed. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, reveals the supports for the self-employed.

2,060 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 23 deaths in Portugal

2,060 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 23 deaths in Portugal

The coronavirus outbreak is accelerating in Portugal with an additional 460 cases in 24 hours. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 2,060 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 23 deaths. 1,007 are in the northern region, 737 in the Lisbon region, 238 in the central region and 42 in the Algarve. The Azores have 11 cases, Madeira nine there are five confirmed cases in the Alentejo. Only 14 patients have so far completely recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

1,280 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, doubling of deaths in 24 hours

1,280 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, doubling of deaths in 24 hours

The coronavirus epidemic is accelerating in Portugal with an additional 260 cases and double the death in 24 hours. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 1,280 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 12 deaths. 644 are in the northern region, 448 in the Lisbon region, 137 in the central region and 31 in the Algarve. The Azores have 3 cases, Madeira five there are three confirmed cases in the Alentejo. Only five patients have so far recovered completely from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

1,020 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, 6 deaths

1,020 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, 6 deaths

The coronavirus outbreak is accelerating in Portugal and the symbolic bar of a thousand infected is exceeded. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 1,020 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal and 6 deaths. 506 are in the northern region, 361 in the Lisbon region, 106 in the central region and 29 in the Algarve. The Azores have 3 cases, Madeira one there are two confirmed cases in the Alentejo. Only five patients have so far recovered completely from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

List of supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, bakeries and shops offering home delivery in Lisbon

List of supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, bakeries and shops offering home delivery in Lisbon

During this quarantine it is important to be able to continue to provide food and other pharmacy products for example. "The advantage" of living this pandemic in the 21st century is that there are many companies that offer home delivery services and even contactless. Whether cleaning products, fresh products, drugstore or even good fresh bread, it is possible to have almost anything delivered. In order to cope with these weeks of confinement as best as possible, Lisbob has prepared a list of supermarkets, pharmacies, drugstores, bakeries and restaurants that offer home delivery. Bonus: discounts offered on certain services.

642 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal (+196 in 24 hours), the second fatal victim is the president of Santander

642 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal (+196 in 24 hours), the second fatal victim is the president of Santander

The coronavirus epidemic is accelerating in Portugal. The Portuguese Directorate General for Health released these figures today with a total of 642 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal. 289 are in the northern region, 243 in the Lisbon region, 74 in the central region and 21 in the Algarve. The Azores have 3 cases, Madeira one there are two first confirmed cases in the Alentejo. Only three patients have so far fully recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

448 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, first case in Madeira

448 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, first case in Madeira

The number of new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal is accelerating. The Portuguese General Directorate of Health released these figures today with a total of 331 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal. 196 are in the northern region, 180 in that of Lisbon, 51 in the central region and 14 in the Algarve, and a first confirmed case in Madeira. The Alentejo has no cases registered. Only three patients have so far fully recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

245 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, first case in the Azores

245 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal, first case in the Azores

The number of confirmed cases of people infected with coronavirus in Portugal has increased further. The Portuguese Directorate General for Health released these figures this morning, with a total of 245 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Portugal. 103 are in the northern region, 116 in the Lisbon region, 10 in the central region and 10 in the Algarve. The Azores record their first case. Only two patients have so far fully recovered from the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

Closed schools, bars and nightclubs, limited shopping centers and restaurants: Portugal at a standstill “fight for its survival”

Closed schools, bars and nightclubs, limited shopping centers and restaurants: Portugal at a standstill “fight for its survival”

Portugal announced shock measures last night to combat the continuing coronavirus epidemic. As Spain begins to experience an Italian scenario with more than 3,000 confirmed cases already, Portugal does not let down and takes advantage of the time in advance to reverse the epidemic. Suspended classes, limited shopping centers and restaurants, retirement homes without visits: Portugal is almost stopped and is scheduled for the coming weeks, after the Portuguese government has decided to suspend all educational activities on the basis an international council. The various parties support the measures but warned that it was necessary to go further - because "prevention is better than cure". Antonio Costa declared that "It is a struggle for our own survival and for the protection of the life of the Portuguese people". Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the shock measures taken by the Portuguese government to fight the coronavirus epidemic.

78 cases of coronavirus in Portugal

78 cases of coronavirus in Portugal

The coronavirus outbreak continues to intensify in Portugal. After an increase of + 43% yesterday, 27 new cases were confirmed today, bringing the total to 78 people infected with coronavirus. The North region is the most affected by this growing epidemic. The DGS communicated these new figures this morning and does not indicate for the moment not to envisage closing of the schools on the whole of the territory, but rather to evaluate the situation on a case by case basis. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.

Corona Party: outrageous party in Aveiro

Corona Party: outrageous party in Aveiro

Some people are not lacking in originality to party, even if it goes against the recommendations of the DGS. This Saturday in Vila Maior in the distrcit of Aveiro, the Esplana Bar 75 nightclub organized a party whose theme was the coronavirus. Yes, a corona party. Dozens of customers with protective masks and posters that imitate communications from the Directorate General of Health (DGS) were photographed in a festive environment and with people nearby, despite the contrary recommendations of all the agencies of Public health. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this scandalous corona party.

59 cases confirmed in Portugal, i.e. 43% more cases in one day: a child under the age of 9 and two elderly people infected

59 cases confirmed in Portugal, i.e. 43% more cases in one day: a child under the age of 9 and two elderly people infected

The coronavirus epidemic continues to grow in Portugal, with a progression that follows that of other infected countries: an exponential curve. This Wednesday, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus increased from 41 to 59, an increase of 43% in the number of cases in one day. the Portuguese General Directorate of Health announced on Wednesday that the number of cases was increasing as well as the reception capacities put in place by the health authorities. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the evolution of the coronavirus.