Between Portugal and the ISV tax, it's a great love story. This tax (impostor sobre veiculos) concerns vehicles imported from abroad, and often represents an unpleasant surprise for expatriates who come to settle in Portugal. Being able to easily reach several thousand euros, this tax is disputed by taxpayers but also by Europe. For the first time, the Portuguese tax authorities were ordered to reimburse the full ISV tax collected for a used car imported from Germany. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new defeat of the Portuguese tax authorities regarding the ISV tax.
Visit Tomar in 2020 : how to go, what to do, what to see, where to eat and sleep in the Templars city
One of the best options to spend a weekend away from Lisbon is surely to visit Tomar. Former seat of the Knights Templar, Tomar is a city that has kept a lot of charm, because of its artistic and cultural richness. Visiting Portugal is also discovering its medium-sized but XXL heritage cities, and Tomar is definitely one of them. If you like time travel then visiting Tomar will be an unforgettable experience for you. Indeed, Tomar is full of places and places rich in history and its heritage has nothing to envy to other Portuguese cities. The best proof is the convent of Christ, one of the most important works of the Renaissance in Portugal. Located 2 hours by train from Lisbon this city is one of the most interesting to visit. There are also lot of activities, like the unforgettable Private Tour from Lisbon to discover the mysteries of the headquarters of Templar Knights. What to visit in Tomar ? How to get there ? What to do in the city of the Templars ? Lisbob, the Expatriates' Assistant in Portugal, introduces you to Tomar, the city of the Knights Templar.
Portugal is the first European country to receive the "Safe Travels" award
The tourism sector in Portugal stands out once again. Rather unscathed by the coronavirus epidemic, Portugal is indeed the first European country to receive the "Safe Travels" prize awarded by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). This award allows Portugal to be recognized as a safe health and safety destination in the post-covid world19. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new international recognition for Portuguese tourism.
Portugal (except Lisbon) enters phase 3 of deconfinement: find out what is changing
Portugal is continuing its deconfinement plan thanks to the positive development of the coronavirus epidemic. Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has announced that the whole country is in phase 3 deconfinement, except the metropolitan area of Lisbon which is experiencing an increase in the number of confirmed cases. With this new phase, many things change and new activities are allowed. Shops, restaurants, swimming, gymnasium, the changes are many. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about what's new in the third phase of the deconfinement plan in Portugal.
Check out the maximum capacity of each beach of Portugal
As part of its fight against the coronavirus epidemic, Portugal has decided to set up a limited number of people who can be on each beach at the same time. If some Portuguese beaches are very large and can accommodate thousands of people, others are smaller and more strongly implanted by the tides and have their capacity limited to less than 20. The Portugal Environment Agency (APA) comes to disclose the maximum capacity for each range. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what will change on the Portuguese beaches is summer.
8 districts of Portugal under weather alert for extreme warm and UV radiation
The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) has just issued a heat alert for 8 districts in Portugal. The IPMA predicts "the persistence of high maximum temperature values", with temperatures that will reach 35 degrees this Tuesday inland, without falling below 20º overnight. This alert will be orange for Madeira, the second most serious in Portugal, and will be yellow for the rest of the districts under alert. Also, the whole of Portugal will be under UV alert, harmful to the skin. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about this hot weather alert in 8 districts.
Concreting of the virgin beaches of Comporta will start in September
Would Portugal make the same mistake as Spain? While the Portuguese beaches are renowned for their wild side and they have been (outside the Algarve) on the whole rather preserved by mass tourism, Portugal is about to sacrifice one of its most beautiful places along the Atlantic coast: Comporta beach. Located south of Troia, this long virgin beach of construction will indeed be transformed into a luxury hotel complex and works will start in September. The consortium formed by Vanguard Properties and Amorim Luxury will begin concreting one of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal in September: you will have to take advantage of the beaches of Comporta this summer. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the concretion of the beaches of Comporta in Portugal.
Lisbon pays 3 years' rent in advance to landlords who join the "Renda Segura" program
Lisbon property prices have been a recurring problem for those who wish to find accommodation there for several years. On the other hand, many owners are asking their tenant for concrete guarantees in order to cover themselves in the event of default. The Lisbon city council wishes to reconcile the two with its “Renda Segura” program: a rental housing program accessible for tenants, and a payment guarantee for owners. Some may even ask to receive 3 years' rent in advance. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this “Renda Segura” program in Lisbon.
Portuguese beaches will have traffic lights at the entrance and an area of 10 square meters per person
It is not an April Fool: traffic lights will be installed at the entrance to Portuguese beaches to indicate the capacity to receive more bathers or not. PAN party deputy André Silva revealed this after leaving the meeting with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa. It was also decided to allocate an area of 10 square meters per person. This solution aims to compensate for the lack of human resources in order to count the number of people on the beaches. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what will change on the Portuguese beaches is summer.
60% of Portuguese real estate agencies predict a fall in prices
Real estate prices continued to rise in Portugal late last year to record highs, but the coronavirus epidemic may well be a game-changer. At least that is what most real estate agencies think, according to a study by the Imovirtual site which interviewed hundreds of professionals in the sector. The expected drop is 25%, but some believe that prices will simply stabilize. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this investigation which does not bode well for Portuguese real estate.
Borders between Portugal and Spain will remain closed until June 15th
The coronavirus epidemic has led to the closure of certain borders within the European Union. The land border between Portugal and Spain has been closed since the establishment of the state of emergency on March 16th, and the passage on either side is reserved for residents or cross-border workers. The Portuguese Council of Ministers announced last night that the land borders between Portugal and Spain will remain closed until June 15th. However, this date is not final and may be revised depending on the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about closing the borders between Portugal and Spain.
Ryanair to resume 40% of flights on July 1st
The coronavirus outbreak has strongly impacted the international air traffic sector with an unprecedented decrease in international flights. However, the hardest part seems to have passed and some companies decide to go ahead and announce a gradual resumption of activities. Ryanair has just announced that it will resume 40% of its flights on July 1st. What to hope for the many travelers and expatriates to be able to take the plane this summer. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about resuming Ryanair flights.
9-year-old Valentina's body found lifeless in Peniche: father admits murder
Portugal had been on the alert for several days: little Valentina, 9, had disappeared since last Thursday and was wanted by the Portuguese police. The latter has just reported that the child who disappeared at Peniche was found dead, and that two suspects were arrested, concerning the father and the stepmother. The body was found under a tree, thanks to the indications of the father who allegedly confessed to his murder. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant to Portugal, tells you all about this terrible news and the discovery of Valentina's body.
Opening June 1, 6 people per umbrella, 2 meters apart: this is what Portuguese beaches might look like this summer
Portugal ended the state of emergency to move to that of calamity, opening the door to a gradual resumption of authorized activities and places. Among those who are eagerly awaited, the Portuguese beaches are at the top of the list and it is quite normal as the Portuguese beaches are magnificent. The coronavirus epidemic requires a new adaptation and new rules to protect everyone while enjoying the beaches. The DGS has already recommended a distance of 2 meters between each person and swimmer. Even if the final decisions should be known by the weekend, some sources indicate that the Portuguese government would lean for a maximum of 6 people per umbrella, the installation of turnstiles at the entrance to the beaches and a limitation of gatherings to 10 people. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what will change on the Portuguese beaches is summer.
Interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal, district by district
Real estate prices in Portugal continued to rise in Portugal late last year. This is shown by data compiled by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), which analyzed real estate transactions. Across the country, prices rose 8.5% in the last quarter of 2019, but the differences between cities are significant. The INE provides an interactive map that allows you to find out the price of real estate in each district and these in several cities in Portugal. The coronavirus is likely to stagnate or see prices fall, and this study corresponds to the pre-pandemic. What is the price of real estate in Portugal? What are the cheapest areas to buy a house? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, gives you this interactive map of property prices in major Portuguese cities.
Deconfinement: what changes from this Monday in Portugal
After 45 days of confinement Portugal will gradually come back to life. Indeed, the Portuguese government announced the end of the state of emergency to enter that of calamity. This Monday, the long awaited deconfinement can finally start and Portugal opens its economy again, little by little. This is the first phase of the Portuguese deconfinement plan, but it is not yet a return to normal as there will be restrictions and new rules to protect the population against the epidemic of coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what changes from Monday, May 4 in Portugal.
International flights: Portugal imposes a limitation of 2/3 of passengers
The coronavirus epidemic continues in Portugal and the 1,000 death mark has been surpassed. Nevertheless, Portugal ended the state of emergency to pass to the state of calamity, allowing the partial resumption of the activity. Among the sectors that are still impacted, that of international air traffic, which does not really know when and how it will be able to get out of this crisis. In order to protect passengers but still ensure economic viability, Portugal has decided to impose a 2/3 occupancy limit for international flights. This will generate additional costs for passengers and a logistical and financial challenge for airlines. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about limiting the. number of passengers on international flights to Portugal.
Sahara heat wave hits Portugal: + 37º expected this Sunday, police worried
The state of emergency ends in Portugal and a heat arrives at the same time. This Saturday is already a pleasant day from a temperature point of view, but Sunday will see peaks and perhaps break heat records in some places. The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) has indeed warned of the arrival of a heat wave from the Sahara Desert, bringing with it an increase in temperatures which will reach 37ºC in places. The Portuguese police, for their part, are concerned about the non-compliance with protective measures. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this heat wave from the Sahara.
Dates, phases and calendar of the deconfinement plan in Portugal
Portuguese government is prepared to reopen the economy and end the lockdown, with the peak of the coronavirus pandemic now behind. The program will consist of three distinct phases, which can of course evolve according to certain public health criteria. After several weeks of state of emergency, which has forced the closure of most economic activities, Portugal will begin to reopen sector by sector. The return to normal plan is gradual and includes specific dates: May 4th, May 18th and June 1st. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, gives you the dates and the official calendar for the deconfinement plan in Portugal.
Portugal elected "best world destination" for cooperative tourism and "best astrotourism destination"
Portugal has been voted as the "best world destination" for cooperative tourism and "best astrotourism destination" by Worldcob. It is the first time that Portugal has won these prizes, confirming the dynamism and quality of Portuguese tourism and more particularly of the Dark Sky association which promotes night tourism and sky observation. Indeed, the Dark Sky Alqueva association has won two other international prizes, and this time not only for the promotion of the quality of the sky in the territories next to the Great Lake of Alentejo, but for the commercial performance considered as " of excellence "in its activity. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this worldwide recognition of Portuguese tourism.